Soll ich Abitur nochmal versuchen? Mit lernen und Medikamente?
Also ich habe beim ersten Mal leider mein Abitur nicht geschafft wegen Depressionen . Das Problem bei mir sind Mathe und Englisch – wie kann ich dafür lernen ?
soll ich Abitur noch mal versuchen mit der Erzieher Ausbildung zusammen ? Das Problem ist man kriegt in der Ausbildung kein Gehalt.
soll kch mit 24 noch mal versuchen – aber dann bin ich mit 27/28 fertig …
As you ask the question here, it will probably be something that is relevant to you in any way. Because that’s just supposed to be said – you don’t need an Abitur. Above all, not for/in the case of a training to the educator. And age doesn’t matter less.
Maths and English are two different topics. In my opinion, English is best learned by blunt use. When you deal with it every day you notice the weak points, you can check them, write them up, go through them again and again, thereby reaching a lot. Can also be implemented super in everyday life. Put operating system on PC in English, consume all games, movies, series in English, and then you can take a lot.
This works less in mathematics. Mathematics is something that should be “understood” in doubt. It helps to learn the formulas fromwending, but if you don’t understand what you do, and why you do, there are always frictions here. This simply depends on how much you deal with it and how deep you immerse yourself in it. With me, it took forever until there was this “ha” effect in certain subjects, and I suddenly also had fun getting to the expected results and bringing some things to my own.
I’d like to put a technical abitur on your heart as a thing in between. Maybe at a vocational school for social affairs. Here it is not so closely followed when you have weak points, and teachers are more inclined to push an eye – because social beings and so on. No one assumes that you later need great mathematics and English in professional life, but become educators, and that makes it easier to do it.
There is a school that offers Abitur and educators training at the same time. Do you want me to do this? Didn’t I get rid of a lesser teacher?
You have distributed your very strongly related questions about so many threads that you can’t help you 🙁
If FH ripe is enough for the educator training, you would have liked to. B. if you first fell through the Abi exams with the school. Part of the FH maturity can go and possibly make a suitable internship.