Soll das 9€ Ticket ab September beendet oder weitergeführt werden?
Hey Leute, bin gerade auf eine Petition aufmerksam gemacht worden wo gefordert wird das man das 9€ Ticket auch ab September weiterhin kaufen kann. Wegen Klima und Natur Schutz Leute dazu zu animieren mehr öffis zu fahren als Auto. Das finde ich auch gut. Aber andererseits bin ich mir nicht sicher ob es finanzierbar wäre. Wovon soll personal, Reparatur kosten usw bezahlt werden wen jeder nur noch 9€ im Monat zahlt? Und überfüllte Züge weil jeder es möglichst viel ausnutzen will für 9€ durch ganz Deutschland zu fahren, sind spätestens im Herbst / Winter zur Grippe Zeit auch nicht mehr so cool. Also bin ich ehr dagegen. Ich wäre aber dafür das dieses ticket mit dem gleichen nutzen für ca.50-100€ im Monat zukünftig immer verkauft werden würde. Das wäre meiner Meinung nach immernoch sehr günstig und praktisch, wahrscheinlich auch gut für den Naturschutz etc, aber klingt finanzierbarer (für die db etc). Der Andrang reduziert sich dann vielleicht etwas im Vergleich zum 9€ ticket, was gut wäre. Und es würde trotzdem noch viel genutzt werden. Was gut für den Naturschutz wäre.
Was meint ihr?
extend to 15 or 20 euros, and the railway network etc
Well 15-20€ is not a big difference now to 9€…
It would help
and more tanktabatt.
Public are corrosive.
Nope. Öffis are important for nature conservation. It is practical and cozy. If you are looking to focus on road traffic, you can sleep, check emails, read a book, watch a movie or. Accident risk almost at 0€. Road transport is a relatively high accident risk. Öffis will not have a driver’s license for people or not be allowed to drive for drugs, alcohol, drugs or after an op etc. And honestly, cars are corrosive! They stink, are loud, cause health damage when you inhale the exhaust gases (many suizale people make this intentional), destroys the environment and our climate. You might also not just think of being selfish and thinking about driving me car fun and I can drive right from my front door to the next without cumbersome, no play has to run, I’m just too lazy, a disadvantage for the rest of the world, I don’t care… Find this very selfish. And honestly. Gives enough people who come from a to b without a driver without ever driving a car. Me e.g. 🤷
Just because you’re a Bubi without a driver’s license that’s useless in any right job 🙃
Car is the means of transportation.
And without at least one medium to top-class car, I don’t need to dance to customers. If I get public, I’ll be right back.
If you look at all your stupid answers that you have asked for others, of course I realize that you are a troll. You probably don’t even own a car. You’re gonna be paid to suck garbage. Unique. I really liked it. You have to leave. You can roll around well!
First, I’m a woman, not a bubi. Secondly, you’re pretty much the most associative person I’ve ever met. I think I earned enough money in my life for all cars and fennovh would be a fucking tin can the last thing I wanted to buy. But in your world everything’s all about cars. No car=no money no money= worthless person. That’s the dumbest and most social thing I’ve ever heard. And if you think you can impress anyone with a car, I must disappoint you. As you behave, everything is different than impressing are too deeply devastating. People who are at the same social level as you can possibly impress with your car. No one else.
What is your problem with a status symbol? Yes I drive an R8- yes this is my status symbol- and I am proud of it.
And I can afford him – unlike Bubis.
Go earn money and be jealous elsewhere.
You’re parting your money into a fehnszer for a sheet to polish your ego. I think it’s hacking! A car does not say anything about the account balance or the character of a person. Who taught you respect and manners. No one. I’m sorry. Bzw no, your fellow men who have to do with you are sorry. You don’t have to guide the fressee pullierem, a scratch into the beloved status symbol sheet is enough and hurts more than one enters the egg. Logo, because not available.
Useless low earner? So you really think only who drives as expensive as possible has money around all the others are poor because that is also the only reason not to have a car… Not to want, not to be expensive, don’t come in the senses. Lol. A car ice cream a means of transportation. A Opel is just as good as a designer can. But please, if you want to make money for sheet metal. There’s a million better things for me. Unbelievable. You need to participate as expensive as possible to polish your ego and to treat others as evaluating due to their cheaper or non-existent sheet… Wow.
Wow. Car is the means of transportation… How could people survive in the Middle Ages only with horses and without cars. It’s a schei* ststus symbol. That’s all. You just realized and admitted. You can also drive by bike with an expensive suit. I don’t have to show anyone how much coal I’ve got to feel better more beautiful.
Without driving licence =bubi = useless low income
No matter how old.
I don’t want a “right” job thank you. I’m too sorry for that. I love my freedom and a certain financial luxury too much.
I’m 30 years old and never needed a license or wanted. And I live in the village! Even the excuse, but in the village it is not, but it is. You have to look at when the bus arrives and turn to these times as it does not come every 10 min but 1-2 st only, and yet it works wonderfully
Like I said. Pur egoism, laziness, habit, not ready to rethink what to change etc… zero comprehensible. For Hardcore expensive Sprit prices are as people as you sooner or later consider whether they have no more money for eating because their car is more important to them or whether they might do a terrible evil course. Nobody bites you. Tracking does not hurt and has zero risk and side effects… Lol.
Was Mumpitz. Didn’t make the car shut.
I don’t know. Are there any studies?
You just need to google.
So if the pardon schei* selfish drivers do not even dispense with their beloved exhaust-gas centrifugals if run virtually in vain and sprit prices are virtually unpaid, then I don’t know what to do… Possibly sprit prices are even more expensive or no longer are people voluntarily waiting to give up for their karre, but bang hard laws when, where and why this should still be allowed or prohibited for whom. I’m really upset by car drivers.
Maybe you should just keep thinking… not everyone has the opportunity to go with the public and for many it can also be very time-consuming if you have to do several things.
45 euros.
Yeah, I’d be there. 👍