Soldat werden?
Hallo, ich bin eine Schülerin. Noch in der 9ten Klasse. Ich habe mir in der letzten Zeit ein paar Gedanken gemacht (realistisch 1-2 jahre) über einen Beruf den ich gerne in der Zukunft hätte. Ich habe etwas über die Bundeswehr recherchiert und bemerkt das es mir eigentlich gefällt. Ich habe auch in einer berufsmesse mal mit ein paar Soldaten geredet, sie waren nett und haben mir ein paar Informationen über die Bundeswehr gesagt. Nicht desto trotz habe ich ein klein wenig Angst das ich in der Zukunft bei ihrem einstellungstest Schwierigkeiten kriege. Ich bin nicht so gut in Mathe. Und ich habe mir mal das ganze angeschaut. Auch online ihren test gemacht (war nicht gut). Auf jeden Fall würde ich mich sehr freuen wenn ihr mir ein paar Tipps geben könntet.
At least 155 centimeters tall at least 18 years old (17 years with the consent of the parents) Unrestricted readiness to move within Germany. Basic willingness to work abroad.
You should bring that.
Features such as ready-to-use, team spirit, democratic principles, self-discipline and flexibility. Compliance with school requirements for the team runway. Real school completion or vocational training for the sub-official runway.
Generally, you can look here:
If you want a dual training at the Bundeswehr, you need at least one main school degree with good grades in the main subjects German and Mathe. Depending on the particular profession, censorships can also be important in other, such as scientific subjects.,approximately%20natures%20F%C3%A4chern%20es.
If you only do fwd (you can do 24 months) you don’t have to do a test right now. You only go to the medical examination and to the psychology test and that was.
I would recommend to you, just like another user, to do voluntary service after school. You can just go that way and you shouldn’t be unfit, you’ll just be taken that way. You can look at this. Talking to soldiers or saying “I like this” is of course a first half step, but it is best to try it out.
Could you become a professional soldier after the voluntary military service?
there will be soldier on time for 13 years or longer
No. So your first step should be to make the FWD and look at it. After that you can become a temporary soldier. Say, you’re looking for a career and you’re going to do your service. If you stop the officer or field rebel or change the subofficial runway and then change accordingly, you can apply as a time trial to become a professional soldier. The second is not guaranteed. Can happen, but don’t have to.