Solche Figuren einfrieren?

Hallo 🙂

Ich habe solch “plüschige” Figuren wie diese hier. Leider kam wohl eine Pelzmotte durchs Fenster und hat Eier auf manche von ihnen gelegt. Die Figur die es am meisten erwischt hat (nicht die vom Foto) gehörte meiner Mutter und ich fände es wirklich traurig, wenn sie nicht gerettet werden könnte. Noch sind die Ausmaße nicht soo schlimm.

Meine Frage ist also, ob ich solche Figuren über Nacht einfrieren kann, um die Räupchen loszuwerden damit diese sie nicht weiter zerfressen? Oder schadet das dem Material sehr? Hat da vielleicht jemand Erfahrung mit?

LG und vielen Dank im Vorraus !

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1 year ago

Better leave the figures somewhat longer (24-36 hours) in the cold (-18°C or colder). This surely kills all ages of these animals. Watch in the affected rooms also on flying animals or on walls to catch them. Suck dust everywhere and keep on stubborn caterpillars and dolls in closet, furniture and room corners, which you also have to remove. Fill in the vacuum cleaner bag or remove it after the daily round.

Keep the frozen figures tightly packed in plastic bags so you can prevent a new attack when they come from the freezer. As long as they have been frozen dry in the bags, no moisture can occur even when warming up. Thus, they can easily handle this action.

Also make sure you had “visit” in the wardrobe, as wool clothing is a welcome nesting place. Wanted furniture covers also belong to the problem zone…


If you don’t get along with it and the attack doesn’t stop, then call the local Camer hunter, who then kills the rest of the animals with the optimal method.

1 year ago

Yes you can, but pack it in a freezer bag (due to moisture)

1 year ago

I would google to Fogger – is so a kind of smoke bomb for the apartment if your pets have zb fleas – many of them also kill flies and co