Solaninvergiftung bei Wedges bei Erhitzen Mikrowelle möglich?
Ich habe Wedges, die man eigentlich im Backofen bei 200 Grad heiss machen soll in der Mikrowelle für 5 Minuten bei 600 Watt erhitzt und gegessen. Sie waren zwar nicht besonders knusprig, aber haben trotzdem geschmeckt. Jetzt habe ich Angst, dass sie evtl. vom Hersteller nicht richtig vorgekocht wurden und ich mir eine Solanin-Vergiftung davon hole. Ist das möglich?
A microwave is not suitable for baking, frying and grilling.
It can only heat water contained in the food, no more.
Yeah, I know. I just wanted to know if it was a health problem, regardless of taste.
I would recommend the following: Diseasebilder/rehabilitation/psychosomatik-psychotherapy/hypochondrie-definition-typical-symptome-causes-and-treatment/#:~:text=Hypochondrie%20is%20a%20psychosomatic%20
There is no theory that would be known to me for solanin poisoning in the context.
Were they raw inside? If not, it’s all right.
They were more of a meager to half cooked. The subsequent heating is also highlighted on the pack. I hope I didn’t do anything wrong!
Anyway, you can’t change it now. If you’re getting bad, visit a doctor.
Rough would not be a problem if you like it;-)
You got the wrong info. Solanin doesn’t disintegrate on heat. If you don’t eat 10Kg it’s safe.
I just read on the manufacturer’s side that the hedges were pre-baked. So I guess I can breathe. Thanks to you anyway.
Thank you.