Sojaprodukte für Mensch oder Tier?

Kennt jemand gute Quellen, die darüber informieren, ob es sinnvoller ist Sojaprodukte direkt dem Mensch zu geben (bspw. in Form von veganen Sojaprodukten) oder Soja doch als Nahrungsmittel für Tiere zu nehmen?

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2 years ago

Animals, also pets, should be able to eat what corresponds to their evolutionary diet (dogs are e.g. all-eaters). If you need vegan food, you can simply use Google. Here, for example, an article by the technician health insurance company.

If you want to convert your diet to a vegan diet, you will also find a lot of videos on YouTube in which vegans learn about it and also share their personal experience with others (a Rezo shares its experience occasionally, but is not an information channel on the subject).

2 years ago

Pegane soy products. What would be other soy products if soya went to dinner, soy should usually be peegan. Toroööt.

2 years ago

And if I want to eat animals and not soy?

So I can make nicth decide what I eat?

Then why should I pay taxes?!

2 years ago
Reply to  Altuser

What’s that got to do with you? Why do you have to feel like a carnivore (is so sad for some hardcore vans too). I also eat meat and fish, but a vegan diet can still be useful for someone and is definitely sensible for climate change and ensures less animal suffering. For such reasons, I also try to significantly reduce my consumption of meat and fish and simply to do without the steak.

2 years ago
Reply to  HawkeyeDZoro

Tell your mother.

I will always eat animals, especially the small animals, lambs and calves, and so it is stop.

You can eat Soylent Green, I can’t.

But these are beads in front of the column because you can’t start with it, little plant eater.

2 years ago

Why sources?

That’s obvious.