Sohn (13) nimmt Snus, was machen?
als ich gestern Abend die Sportsachen meines Sohnes waschen wollte fiel mir beim ausräumen der Sachen eine runde Packung entgegen bei der ich eigentlich dachte das es sich um Süßigkeiten handelt, als ich diese wieder einpacken wollte sah ich jedoch das es Snus war.
Zuerst dachte ich das diese vielleicht meinem älteren Sohn gehören und sein kleiner Bruder sie nur für ihn aufbewahrt – jedoch gab er dann sofort zu das es seine eigenen sind und das in seiner Klasse viele Snus nehmen. Ich war natürlich total schockiert und auch enttäuscht da er und seine Brüder genau wissen was ich von so einem Teufelszeug halte!
Er versicherte mir dann zwar das er kein Snus mehr nehmen würde, allerdings bin ich der Meinung das ein dreizehnjähriger sowas auch nicht probieren sollte und will ihn daher auch nicht komplett ohne Konsequenzen davon kommen lassen.
Mein Mann meinte zwar das in dem Alter jeder Dinge ausprobiert die man nicht machen sollte und er findet das er mit meiner Standpauke genug gestraft war, dennoch bin ich damit nicht ganz zufrieden und weiß nicht ganz wie ich mit dieser Situation umgehen soll.
It would go to school and solve the problem at the root. If most of the students at school consume tobacco products, this is a problem that the school has to take care of. It would be extremely stubborn. Pupiling the child is not beneficial to my experience – what to do is show consequences to the child, what happens when consumed with him and his body. Enlightenment protects better than punishment.
I am also full of your husband’s opinion. at the age, many young people taste such things and there you can hardly do anything about it. He assured you not to do it anymore and I would trust it first. Talk to him again and explain why it is not good for him and what consequences (health, high costs, etc.) that can have. With conversations you can probably reach more than with punishments…
Yeah, give him house arrest forever. Don’t try anything and always be beautifully audible, just don’t think for yourself. There he is.
This time, he said, of course, that it is his. You don’t have it anymore if you punish him for it, then he learns to let him catch it, not what I do.
Tell him what’s dangerous and you’re worried about his health. Misconduct the punishment always has to do with damage to third parties, not to try new with the naive desire.
This has nothing to do with it, my 16-year-old son Snus would try it well and there would be no consequences. However, it really doesn’t have to be the 13-year-old that taste!
For 16 years, tobacco is just as dangerous and illegal as for 13 years.
That’s the point, your wish he doesn’t take a snus. But if he takes something that hurts him at most, he didn’t do anything wrong, which requires punishment. You can tell him that it’s dangerous and that you’re afraid that he’s starting to smoke, but not more. How should a young person learn self-employment if he is allowed to live exclusively according to the parameters of his parents?
I also know that and I am actually also opposed to the total consumption of tobacco, but I myself know the teenager at parties taste such things and would therefore also find it okay if he trys at 16 times as long as it only remains to try!
Probably he’s already addicting and if his circle of friends is also dependent on the stuff, he won’t listen to whatever you say.
This is going to help you.
So I’m here with your husband.
This isn’t such a drama.
What do you want to do, make sure he doesn’t smoke and drink.
You’re welcome, much more isn’t in there.