Sofort regelmäßiger Zyklus nach Pille absetzen?
Ich habe seit Mitte Januar nach fast 4 Jahren die Pille abgesetzt. Überall wird einem erzählt, dass es ewig lange dauern kann, bis die erste Periode einsetzt, und dass es noch länger dauern kann, bis die Zyklen wieder regelmäßig sind.
Doch seit meiner erste Periode (nach der Abbruchsblutung der Pille) habe ich tatsächlich ziemlich regelmäßig meine Tage bekommen, und somit auch schon einen regelmäßigen Zyklus.
Meine beste Freundin meinte, dass das normal ist, und das unregelmäßige meist erst nach ein paar regelmäßigen Zyklen erst kommt. Stimmt das? Wie war das bei euch?
The settling of the pill can (but not!) make the body first quite nice to create and usually after the bleeding of the abortion the first own control bleeding is delayed by one week.
The natural cycle is slowly reappearing, but it does not necessarily have to be regular and the period does not come like the artificially produced bleeding after the clock.
If your cycle was not regular before, it is not now.
With 3.2% of women, a post-pill amenorrhea appears as a side effect of the hormonal contraceptive, which in rare cases can unfortunately last up to a year.
I had a regular cycle of 27 – 31 days after taking pills for about 20 years.
Happy for you!
It is possible that there are still fluctuations, but does not. Certainly positive and not negative 😉
Yeah, like you, it’s normal
Yeah, that’s true. I dropped the pill in September. The first 2-3 times was left on my cycle. And then it started, irregular period, intermediate bleeding, pimples, heat flashes, much more sweating, PMS etc.
But that doesn’t mean it’s yours. Maybe.
in my personal mind it was that I had a normal cycle very timely (2 months) after the pill was put down and that was always exactly like a clockwork.
This can be extremely different you mean it can take up to 9 months, it can also take only a month (I don’t take a pill)