Socken mit Initialen kaufen?
Hab bei Friedrich Merz Socken mit F.M. gesehen, hat irgendwie AURA🦆oder nicht? Wenn ich mal nen Anzug trage könnte ich dann meine Socken mit initialen tragen. Hab welche für nen 20er gefunden, weggeschmissenes Geld? DETAILS🤓
I have lots of cool socks and would buy them also xD
Especially if they’re #EEEEE.
You can do it, but as good as nobody will be interested in it…
Would you rather wrap a really cool tie when you make the suitcase,
that’s always an eye-catcher…
Yes! Such a tie like Patrick Bateman in red or yellow striped
Yes is for chickens 🐓and even those do not look at it .
Yeah, that’s good. You don’t pull the socks off the locker after swimming.
I find it absolutely silly.
You mean Aura Dione?
Initialien socks are a must!
You should be careful with embossing stamps on condoms! To guess!