Socken kochen was würde passieren?
Hey und zwar habe ich so sehr unangenehm es mir auch ist Fuß Pilz und mir wurde gesagt das ich jetzt meine Socken heiß waschen muss damit der Pilz abstirbt und da meine Waschmaschine kaputt gegangen ist wollte ich fragen ob ich sie einfach in kochendes Wasser legen könnte
What’s that material? Sports / tennis socks in pure cotton?
Is there Elasthan?
In case of doubt, your socks fit only a baby after the bath in boiling water. Or the elastic part dissolves.
You don’t have to cook the socks to properly disinfect them, for such purposes there are laundry sagrotans, see e.g.
Simply fill handwarm water in a bowl or washbasin, add laundry sagrotan according to instruction and throw the socks in.
Let it go for a while, get out, dry and eat well.
Cooking water textiles… I wouldn’t. Put these in Sagrotan disinfectants? I’d make your socks with all of you. bottle-pd-124264?mcid=5
Even “Kochwäsche” is washed “only” at 95 degrees. It is difficult to do today in the normal household.
Wash HEISS does not mean cooking. 60 degrees. Yes, after Socke, it can be too much. Mache only wear 30 or 40 degrees.
I can’t tell you how to keep your pot in a little 60 degrees.
What would happen?
Now they’d go in.
Buy new socks. For 10 euros you get 10 new couples.
You only buy at Kik and Primark, right?
you can also cook the socks with 40 degrees if you add sachetrotan hygiene rinser in wash liquor