Socke über Sneaker für Kupplung (Motorrad)?


Habe mir weiße Sneaker gekauft und will mit den Motorrad fahren (halt zur Schule).

Und da ich keine Lust habe, dass die weißen Schuhe durch die Kupplung schwarz / dreckig von oben werden, bräuchte ich paar Ideen.

Kann ich theoretisch eine Socke zerschneiden und die über mein Schuh ziehen, sodass diese Dreckig wird, anstatt der Schuh?

(Ich weiß dass man sich solche Schuhschoner kaufen kann, aber ich brauche das zu morgen früh.)

Dankeschön schonmal

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3 years ago

There are ways to use spray wax as impregnation look at Youtube. I did my supermoto back then. In white shoes many also make it with white candles or white wax.

But if, then use good wax that cheap can discolor and importantly also do not use already lit candles.

Maybe you’ll be happy with wax impregnation, don’t last forever, but at that time was better than nothing.

3 years ago
Reply to  G4m1ngQu3st1

Read it, but never tried. Always had in the head as thin Sone Socke is actually and went out of it surely fine dust or lubrication comes through.

In the case of fabric shoes I still see something. (for example, shoe type Yeezy, so fabric shoes with holes, I then screwed up with the clutch, but had no wax and no impregnation on it.)

3 years ago

My brain is slower than my fingers. It’s obvious what I mean.

3 years ago

You also had a foot coupling?

3 years ago

Just the shoe type is difficult to estimate, with double sock I could imagine it’s okay. If you’re going to get a strip of Tesa around the sock then you should have done everything you can

Vllt, however, you are also handy or someone from the family / friends and can make you Sone Art “Stöpsel/Kappe” made of plastic for the coupling lever, I can also imagine that something like this brings. Can take off at night and wash and smooth again before driving.

Only Sone idea, no plan to be possible😂

3 years ago

I can only advise you to drive with motorcycle boots. If it goes wrong, and that can be done with short distances, then your foot will go. As can be seen in this case impressively.

There are switch reinforcements from some manufacturers that you can pull over your shoes:

2 years ago

So I’ve heard some of it just make condoms. However, an expensive thing then. I don’t know if that goes with the socks, but I want to try.

Vllt goes with a little bag just have to look for frest making

3 years ago

Even if it is not the desired answer: sneakers deaf, unless specially adapted for it, not as motorcycle shoes

3 years ago
Reply to  G4m1ngQu3st1


3 years ago

“Beautifulness” always had to suffer.

Don’t expect my pity.

3 years ago

To break your foot, it’s enough when you tilt in the stand. It doesn’t even have to run the engine.

The wearing of motorcycle clothing, sometimes even if you don’t drive right now and it might be a little uncomfortable, is part of a motorcycle ride. If you don’t like this, you should drive by car or bus. Walking on foot or bicycle goes of course.

3 years ago
Reply to  G4m1ngQu3st1

no matter how long or fast you drive and how cautious, there can always happen something and it is my Meinug after not a “unnecessary” ballast itself so good it is to protect

3 years ago

Sorry, you weren’t meant – that should go to the questioner.

3 years ago

You don’t need to explain to me. Drive for over 60 years and thanks to mind even infall-free.

3 years ago

I’m sure you got a backpack – don’t you have a pair of shoes?

From Eastpack there’s backpacks where a lot fits in. The one is called “Ultimate”, I think… there’s something in it.

3 years ago

I know people who’ve been complaining about the leather clothes for years. Until they put themselves down. Not fast, like 30 km/h in the city. You don’t believe how much they liked to wear that thing from there – even in the summer.

3 years ago

Then find a solution for you.

I am always amusing myself in the summer in the city over the leather dressed with helmet on the arm just before the touch.

3 years ago

You’re a topcase refuser?

With the right scooter, your sneakers stay clean and often you have a storage space under the bench.

3 years ago

there are also motorcycle clothes that look like leisure clothes, so motorcycle sneakers and so, then you could just keep the things and still have protection

3 years ago

Mdu confuses what is coupled with the hand connected with the feet.

If you’re afraid of your shoes, take your shoes.

3 years ago

Future, suitable motorcycle boots / shoes do not come into question ?