Social Media erst ab 16?
Hey, ich habe gesehen, dass in Australien Social Media für Kinder btwr 16 Jahren verboten werden soll und habe mich gefragt ob es sinnvoll wäre das auch in Deutschland einzuführen, bzw. was die Pro und Contraargumente wären. Was haltet ihr davon und was sind eure überzeugenden Argumente?
The minimum age of 16 is particularly important for particularly protected data such as religious and political views and personalized advertising. If young people wish to provide information in these areas, their parents must agree.
And young people need real media education and not excessive bans.” The social networks are not media. They are only designed to activate the children’s dopamine system. In the same way, you could teach the children the appropriate way to deal with crack.
Somehow good but you could then enter that one is 16. This does not mean
In general, there are possibilities to actually check the age, but I think that such a ban is generally fatal.