“sobald wenn” , “seitdem her” ?

Wir haben eine kleine Diskussion über korrektes Deutsch. Einfache Frage dazu: Sind die folgenden Sätze korrekt, und falls nein, warum nicht ?

(1) “Sobald wenn das Geschirr abgewaschen ist, beginnen wir mit dem Nachtisch.”

(2) “Vor zwei Jahren machte ich mit ihm eine Reise, doch seitdem her habe ich ihn nie mehr gesehen..”

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1 year ago

Whenthe dishes are washed off, we start the dessert.”

The sentence is grammatically wrong and not idiomatic (“=no native speaker would say so”). The combination “as soon as” makes no sense.

Correct are:

Once the dishes are washed off, we start the dessert.”

If the dishes are washed off, we start the dessert.”

“Two years ago I made a trip with him, butsince thenI have never seen him.”

The sentence is grammatically wrong and not idiomatic. The combination “since” makes no sense.

Correct are:

“Two years ago I made a trip with him, butsince I have not more seen.”

“Two years ago I made a trip with him, butsince I have not more seen.”

Additional note: Most German native speakers would say “I have made a trip” in the main sentence, so use perfect instead of preteriority.

1 year ago

Both sentences are wrong. “If” and “her” are superfluous.


1 year ago

In both cases, the conjunction for the auxiliary charge is doubled. This is too much of the good and therefore bad (in sentence 2, it is not really HS + NS, see below!)

Right is:

1.1.Once the dishes are washed off, we start the dessert.”


1.2 Ifthe dishes are washed off, we start the dessert.


or with 2 main sets, because “since” is not a conjunction, but is only an adverb, and also “since“, which can also be used as a conjunction (subjunction), in this case can only be used as an adverb (but see below!)

2.1.2. “Two years ago I made a trip with him, butsince I have never seen him.”

2.2.2.. Two years ago I made a trip with him, butsinceI have never seen him.”

By converting HS and NS, while maintaining the meaning content, there is a set structure with since then as conjunction but possible:

“Since I vor two years with him made a trip, I never saw him again.”

1 year ago

in the first sentence must be “if” away and in the second must “go away”. And then everything would be OK.

1 year ago

(1) “Once the dishes are washed off, we start the dessert.”

(1)Other the dishes are washed off, we start the dessert.”

(2) “Two years ago I made a trip with him, but since I have never seen him.”

(2) “Two years ago I made a trip with him, but since I have never seen him.”

1 year ago

No, they’re both wrong.

  • Once the dishes have been washed off, we start the dessert.


  • Two years ago, I made a trip with him, but I haven’t seen him since.
  • or: Two years ago I made a trip with him, but I haven’t seen him since.
  • or: Two years ago I made a trip with him, but after that I never saw him.
1 year ago

“Two years ago I made a trip with him, but since then I’ve never seen him.”

Two years ago I made a trip with him, butsinceI have never seen him.”

In the first sentence only “SAs soon as the dishes …” or “if the dishes …”.