So, was machen wa jetzt?
Ich bin 27,m schwul. Und arabischer (Prinz), äh also ich meine aus den Emiraten.
Also mein Vater hat mir eben geschrieben, er hat eine Frau aus dem VAE für mich aus der Heimat 🇦🇪 zum heiraten💍
Ich schrieb ihm, dass er doch weiß, dass ich schwul bin. Und er schreibt er weiß es und ich bin vom sheytan und muss das sofort loswerden.
Egal wie oft ich es sage er verdrängt es für immer und ewig.
Ja was jetzt. Er wird es nie verstehen.
Er hat mich schonmal fast umgebracht deswegen
Allah has allowed you as a man to stimulate you sexually with a woman. You’ve broken your Fitrah and you’re excited by the same sex. This is a psychic matter. No matter how much you want it from jz, you’re forbidden to have sex with another man. Murderers, rapists, liars also have this desire to make what they receive their title. They can’t. Marry a woman and have sex with her. So you can make yourself easier in the allowed way. May Allah protect us from evil and from an evil end. Mach tawbah near Allah, the people of Luut صلالله عليه وسلم were violently punished.
Excuse me, but it’s already 2 minutes after midnight and your opinion of this topic triggers me emotionally. I have to go to bed now. Good night.
Ilyaes. You made a mistake. Let’s go. Don’t repeat the mistake. Let this play. May Allah judge you
If Allah is a loving God, it doesn’t matter who you love.
I see that
What an absurd and despicable comparison, to compare homosexual love with violent crimes, to do the other serious harm. Better not go after everything you picked up somewhere.
If a man has GV with another man, he harms himself mentally and physically, and the greatest damage is hell. So let it go!
He would only have to leave Islam, then it would no longer be forbidden.
Wrong, then he becomes unbelievers, and therefore comes to hell forever alone and in addition he commits a great sin, which will give him a worse punishment in Jahannam.
Not if he becomes atheist. We don’t have Jahannam.
Instead of discriminatory dogmas, I prefer my liberal affirmation to Matthew 7:1-20:
“Do not judge that you are not judged; for with which judgment you judge, you will be judged, and with what measure you measure, you will be measured. But what do you see the splinter that is in your brother’s eye, but in your eye do you not perceive the beam?”
I’m an ordinary person, I’m right to you. But Allah has created hell, for all criminals, “crimes” are those deeds that Allah sees as what, not what any Euro Act 2023 says. People are constantly changing laws.
Just because you say that, it won’t be true. ☝️
Ilyaes didn’t make a mistake.
I know you mean it. I see that too. However, I would like to say that this is going too far… And it’s already 5 minutes after midnight I’m going to sleep now. Good night
Respect for even talking to your father.
I can’t imagine I’m contacting someone who tried to kill me.
Can’t you cancel the contact? Turn around and don’t tell him where. Start a life without him, is your life, and he’s got to stay out of it.
I’d listen to what you can do in the circle of friends, have friends with the police I’d probably ask. And I’d watch the father get no access.
For example, if there is the possibility of making the father credible that you are dead. Death certificate fake or something.
First step would probably change phone numbers and email addresses.
Thank you for your empathic answer. Yeah, it’s hard for emotions. He’s my father.
I’d think so well. After what you write, your father’s handling is a game of fire.
You’re right…
And what kind of commitment did you make? Do you have an agreement with him that he has witnessed you, he may look at you as his property and do what he wants with you? The times when children were considered possessions are over. People who do this are no longer social.
Well the man who testified me
What does a father mean for you?
Right.bad situation…but thank you
In your place, I would think very well if you were to bend to the will of your father. Because not only you would be unhappy, but also your wife. Your marriage would be a farce. You have to decide what’s more important to you. An independent life liberated by compulsion or to do that your father demands. But in this decision, no one will be able to help you.
I don’t want to marry a woman because I’m gay and that would be unfair to the woman.
What would happen if you didn’t do what your father wants?
That’s what I meant.
Thank you
But sooner or later, you have to make a decision.I wish you had the right meeting.
He would hate me and enter
Hold the distance.
Just get married & look Then you have a bi. Everyone comes at his expense & father is again proud of you ;-)))
So really and so in 23:52.
could have waited for other answers & could write later 😉 What happened to my answer?
Hey, you don’t always have to put aggressive behavior on the day or night. A little more friendly dealing with the fellow human beings would be appropriate. My “brain” works normally, but your comment is just mean. This was taught to me as a prince, respect and manner.
I wish that after the beauty sleep the brain will be more beautiful ;-)))
I’m a prince and I have to keep my beauty sleep. I’ll make you a good job with whatever. Good night.
Listen to your father and let you help. A decent woman will do you good.
That he wanted to kill you is, of course, too much of him, but otherwise I can completely inflate his mind.
Leave family and go your own way.
Disconnect with your parents. Easy to contact Cancel
I don’t get emotional
You have to go through that. I did my grandparents, too. You have your life and your parents have their lives. And either your parents accept that you are gay and look forward to it. Or they no longer belong to your life
Will grow up and lead your life as you want…
I’ll give you a couple of millions to my Kronprinz account, then I can possibly help you.
It is forbidden in Islam to be homosexual, I give you an example, man has feelings toward men, what is his task now to suppress this and not to live out, then he is also not brought to account, and recommend the scholars that he marry a woman, and ask Allah that he loves these women, so that he comes from his inclination.
I don’t see that now. I also have to say that your opinion has just violated my feelings and I would like to put a clear limit on this point.
Whether it hurts your feelings or not, it is and remains sin
The “so-called” scholars do not have the most obvious hint of a minimalist idea of homosexuality.
How old is Islam now, like 1500 years? In the first 1300 hundred years Islam was still quite reasonable and did not make such a fool. I’m really sorry that you let your faith be infiltrated by the stupid sex-feind Christians.
Who’s your father?
The Arab king of course!
And who’s supposed to be this? There is no Arab king.
You’re gay, you just wanted to write, I hope for you, you don’t live it out. But then I read your questions…
Come on, listen to your father, marry a Muslim woman and try to find the right way back. And the right path in Islam does not accept homosexual acts.
And listen to you calling prince, you have a psychosis or something…
Are you serious?
If so sorry but religion more important can not help you your father is right
Yes, as if I had the question of boredom? My father and I have been together in war for eternity
For God’s sake.
This can be said for all those who have to strike around with religious followers. This is really one of the dumbest things humanity has invented.
You poor
No, you’re obsessed with religion. You probably don’t even understand my answer.
Are possessed by Shaytan
Religions make God a ridiculous joke.
What now?
Best man your father
I’m a prince. Please keep this in mind.
Wtf will become normal in the pear and listen to you to call prince, you would have to go to an Arab country and you there as gay out
Then behave like a prince, in Islam it is forbidden to be gay
Could be more than I’ve read
Prince is definitely not 😭🙏
Especially Arabic prince, it’s clear. Psychose kicks hard with him.
Yes, unfortunately
I want to hope. Otherwise it would be very sad.
I’m sure he’s not a Muslim. He just wants to make Islam bad, I don’t want to judge akhi and no one speak badly, but it seems to me that I doubt that he belongs to Islam
Yes, when you look at his contributions, it’s obvious that Ilyaes lost his mind. He’s lost. It’s like a Euro Shisha Muslim again.
This is Crazy 😭😭😭🙏🙏
Hey. 3 minutes after midnight I’m going to bed