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This is all about the situation.
So we urgently need the job, how qualified one is and how realistic the salary requirement for the written position is.
I have a firm job when I change it, I already demand more from the new employer. If he doesn’t, okay, I won’t.
If, on the other hand, I don’t have a job and that would be my only chance, then you should be more flexible.
depends on it. if the employer desperately seeks this can certainly help something, but it should be strategic. if he has tens of applicants then they are only sorted out with such statements
where vice versa also applies: if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys
I just started in the new job.
At the interview, I was offered a salary, and I was like: oh… with so little I didn’t expect… and I got 400 gross more.
So I didn’t have to negotiate hard there.
they’re trying to subjugate one.
I think if you had done that, there would have been 2-3 Hunnies more in it!
Yeah, but I didn’t want to be harmless. Because I was really so happy. :
why this wrong attitude? they were also undamaged with their obviously far too low first bid!
Sure. Why should I work under my value?
if the AG gets on, you can see it anyway.