So komisch wenn ich mir mit der Zahnseide die Zähne saubermache?

Vor dem Zähneputzen mache ich mir seit Jahren mit Zahnseide meine Zwischenräume sauber, komme damit am besten zurecht. Letztens meinte einer das wäre unnötig. Wie seht ihr das?

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1 year ago

Absolutely necessary in order to clean the contact surfaces in the interspaces and especially in particular. The latter works exclusively with tooth silk. In addition, this makes it superb among the gum eyes (Gingivalsaum).

Keep going.

I have unfortunately neglected this and must now live with the consequences. 🙁

Currently, I care for my teeth like this:

  • Possible after every meal oral shower + sound toothbrush
  • At night teeth (brain band) + sound toothbrush
  • On the way, I use the Rxxxmann travel toothbrush for 0.99€

I fired the WATERPIK COMPLETE CARE SYSTEM 9.0 a few months ago, including a mouth shower on ebay and am toootal satisfied with it. Before that, I had an Oral B, which was more complete.

1 year ago

It is important to do I do it myself not because it is too much work and sometimes the time

1 year ago

I have been using tooth silk every day for a few years and feel wonderful with it. My teeth are fine. 2x a year, I’m still for professional dental cleaning and since that every time I get the feedback: everything best with the teeth, so on. That was quite different before. I had much more evidence and dental stone that had to be removed.

1 year ago

Right and important. The surfaces between the jaw teeth are not reached with the toothbrush. There can be plaque, oral odor, gum inflammation and caries.

1 year ago

I will.