So gewicht Schwankung normal?
Ich wiege mich jeden Tag warum auch immer. Ich habe mich gestern Abend um ca 23 Uhr gewogen da hatte ich 67.4 kg und jetzt um 5:30 Uhr habe ich 66.9 kg. Ist das normal ? Ich hatte vor Wochen auch mal um die 68 kg. Habe Angst das da was ist weil ich mich die letzten Tage auch nicht so fit gefühlt habe
You’re sweating, you’re pissing, you’ve got other physical fuctions.
You drink, you eat it up.
Very normal. Weight is not the same as fat. You don’t take fat in that measure.
If you have eaten especially salty, but also for other reasons, the body can also increase water. Then you will notice that you need less to the toilet and show the scales a little higher.
That’s perfectly normal that you weigh more in the evening, because at that time you’re almost eating what you consume. Therefore, one should always weigh in the early and empty stomach.
That’s normal.
Yes, this is normal, overnight you lose about 500g, as you then processed the food and also lose water.
The best thing is to keep you on empty stomach in the morning, it’s your right weight.
Hello in the morning after the toilet you weigh a little less and that doesn’t count that in the evening.
Easy eating disorder. It’s completely irrelevant whether you weigh half a kilo more or less, especially since it’s normal fluctuations.