Snus mit 14?
Hey, ich bin ziemlich verzweifelt im Moment. Habe vor paar Tagen zum ersten mal Snus getestet (mit 14). Habe noch nie geraucht und trotz dem habe ich alles super vertragen. Ich weiß das man das mit 14 nicht machen sollte aber es hat einfach alle Probleme weg geblasen und tbh meine Freunde und ich hatten noch nie so ne geile Nacht (nicht im sexuellen Sinne). Soll ich es weiter hin nehmen oder ist es ein zu großes Risiko und wie sieht es mit der Abhängigkeit aus?
If you still drank, it was the alcohol and not the snus. And the alcohol is the much more worrying part in your recreation, because alcohol does not kill nicotine.
Nevertheless, it is not particularly clever to consume nicotine, because NIEMAND can really say how it affects children and teenies that are still in the middle of physical development. You know, the nicotine is acting on nerves, but what that means when the nerves are still “unripening”, nobody knows.
And as far as the addiction is concerned, nicotine itself does not make physically addicted, snusen and what you do with it, but can make you mentally dependent and alcohol also has a addiction potential (and above all a potential for damage) that must not be disregarded! Be careful!
It’s just nicotine packaged a little more beautiful, you’ll depend on it after one thing.
I also don’t think that the beautiful night of the kahm so I would say more to leave fingers of it.
Comes from jmd who has been smoking for 15 years and has been taking snus for a few months.
Naja the Alk and Snus Kombi has made it
Alk alone is enough to say.
Even if at your age vl is not so great, but as long as you are careful you will not be dependent on it as quickly as the nicotine.
Nö – MIES is alcohol, but Snus is less. Both are forbidden to these children and both do not help at all if you have problems – on the contrary, it only creates new ones.
Of course it’s both bad.
I drank in that age and smoked so I speak only from my experience. Everyone’s going differently about this is already aware of me.
Apparently, the boy isn’t good to show him with his finger and say what you’re doing is stupid is not in my interest now either.
Irrtum! Conversely, the likelihood of placing equipment at the age of the TE for a later alcohol addiction is great, but it is almost unlikely that he develops a addiction to nicotine, because nicotine is now NOT addicted! Not bad, but just because you smoke, you don’t really know about nicotine for a long time. And also the damage that alcohol consumption can currently cause is far worse than what nicotine does in the nut.
Too bad your parents don’t care about you at all! By the way, I have something on the subject here if you haven’t informed yourself yet:
Why is Snus dangerous?
Snus contains a large number of pollutants, including cancer-producing substances. Snus damages health. It has proven to cause pancreatic cancer and oral cancer. Snus increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
My parents are dead… still thank you for the answer
I’m so sorry for you. I hope you have people who look after you.
Sorry, I don’t know what you’re writing about, but Snus (or what’s sold here as a snus) can’t be!