Snapnutzer droht mir?
Heyy, ich hatte vor einigen Monaten jemanden kennengelernt auf Snapchat, und er hat mir gedroht mit meinen Bildern von meinem Körper zur Polizei und dem Jugendamt zu gehen. Ich habe alles gelöscht, bis auf ein paar Bilder auf Snapchat… Mein Profil wurde nicht gespeichert, nicht aufgehoben, nichts. Alles mit einem Stopp auch erzwungen. Ich habe ihn gemeldet und blockiert, auf beiden seinen Accounts.
Wir haben uns noch nie gesehen, und er will mir denke ich irgendetwas anstiften oder mich mit drm Jugendamt dann somit bestrafen. Ich habe wirklich Angst und weiß nicht was ich tun soll… Ich möchte nicht, dass das passiert und versuche es zu verhindern. Ich habe ihm nur Wahrheiten erzählt, jedoch hat er sich von seinen eigenen Geschichten beeinträchtigen lassen.
Ich bitte wirklich um schnelle Hilfe und auch ratsame bitte, danke.
Probably the best thing you should do would start a serious and serious conversation with your parents. You probably know better about you and how to do it than anyone on the Internet.
don’t be afraid of funny looks or stupid comments, believe me it will get worse when I tell you that by “secret” you just slip into the thing.
Even if the “only” threatens, you always have to start from the worst and beware is always better than forbearance, especially because this affects your future.
Of course, you always have to decide for yourself, depending on how bad the situation is for you. I was not there and can only look at it rough from the outside
Yes pictures where you saw more of my body. He probably downloaded it or made a screen shot of it. I’ll be in January 14, he’s 19 I think. I’m a little jealous of the body, too. Now, however, I believe that when he shows me, he also shows himself..?
As long as he doesn’t really know about you, it’s just SPAM. But if he really threatens you, of course you can show it yourself.
In addition, please note the next time what you are from the Postest. If the harmless things are, for example, you’re putting on a flower prayer, you don’t have to worry. The context sounds more like private things! They didn’t lose anything on the Internet!
This should not be a accusation, but a helpful tip for the future!
It’s best to forget all this shit.
I’m done.
Just threaten him. Because of nudes, the youth office will only stress if it were significantly older than you
Be sure you didn’t do something wrong or violate a law, but he, because the rights of images of you lie only with you and your parents. Anyone who wants to use pictures of you in a way that does not explicitly include your consent is punishable, so you don’t have to worry about it here, but the air can become narrow for him.
I’m only 14 in January, and it seems that it’s a child pornography, and that’s completely in violation of the law… But he once said that he wants to see my body now, but unfortunately I have no more evidence. Then he has downloaded my own pictures against my consent. You don’t see my face in pictures… Although my body, but not my face that I think is good… Should I keep worrying?
No, because there is no evidence that this is really your body. In order to prove this, the police or a judge would have to arrange you naked in front of their eyes and you could be compared with the pictures. But this procedure is also prohibited in this country, for good reason, as children are not allowed to show themselves pornographically or be shown in this way.