Take away Snapchat Plus?
How can I remove Snapchat Plus?
So I gave someone Snapchat plus but would like to cancel it
How does this work or does it work at all
How can I remove Snapchat Plus?
So I gave someone Snapchat plus but would like to cancel it
How does this work or does it work at all
For a few weeks now I've been desperately trying to get an email from Instagram containing the confirmation code to create a new password – because I forgot my current one for THIS account. It never arrived until now. I've looked in every folder, even though I received a notification from Instagram that it had…
Most kids these days are really bad. They often have a device as early as 6, and they watch YouTube and TikTok videos that only make you stupid and impair your concentration. Many adults were simply disturbed and created perverted children's games, thus causing children to become perverted as well. Because of all the social…
Hi, I have a question! Let's say I have three Instagram accounts (one main and two backups, for example) and I activate notifications in the settings (so that I see messages and notifications), will I then get notifications from all of my accounts or just from the one I'm on? Or can you perhaps activate…
Do you know an app for iPhone that lets you see deleted messages on WhatsApp?
Please contact Apple, Google or the third party you purchased the subscription to request a refund. Find out how to refund theApp Store for iOSorGoogle Play Store for Androidto be applied. If you have bought your Snapchat+ subscription via a third-party like Verizon +play, please contactVerizon for +play support.
Refunds must be requested via the iOS App Store, Android Play Store or the third party provider and are not carried out by Snapchat.
Source: https://help.snapchat.com/hc/de/articles/8098573674516-How-ever-I-a-refund-for-one-snapchat subscription
Will nix wants to refund Snapchat plus yes just keep one person away who I gave this
Should run there as well, you have paid or booked the gift. Otherwise, turn to the Snapchat support.
You’re welcome.
Okay thank you