Snapchat Passwort vergessen?

Hey, ich hab mich letztens aus Versehen aus meinem Account ausgeloggt und weiß jetzt das Passwort nicht mehr. Ich hab leider keine Email oder Handynummer angegeben und auch keinen Code oder sowas. Wie komme ich wieder in diesen Account? (Hab dort Freudne von denen ich den Snap Namen vergessen hab und die ich nicht verlieren will) Kann ich irgendwie mein eigenes Passwort „hacken“ oder so? Pls help me


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3 years ago

If there is no number or address, the chances are equal to zero. Everyone could hack into your account and apply for a new password.

3 years ago
Reply to  xIvyx

Once again: If it would be enough to have only the username (and all of your contacts have it, and if the profile is public, everyone who is looking for it) to apply for a new password, then any Hinz and Kunz could change your password and take over your account. There are security measures to prevent this from happening. Your password is not visible to anyone, as Snapchat does not know your password. You could try to write the support, but I didn’t have much hope to be helped. How would they know you’re really you and not someone who wants to hack your account?

3 years ago

Maybe you can report the problem with Snapchat Support