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4 months ago

Hello Luanabals,

can it be that you haven’t spoken to your parents yet? For many young people, parents are not necessarily the first point of contact when they have problems. Mostly it is because they don’t feel understood by them or that they don’t want to burden their parents. Is it similar to you?

I don’t know your parents, but usually they’re a lot of good for their child. Unfortunately they say that to them either never or much too rarely! Anyway, it would be nice if you could make your parents your allies fight against your suicide idea! Isn’t that worth a try?

Otherwise, there are also emergency hotlines, such as telephone care or the number-to-number. This is filled with people who are specially trained and can help and advise competently in crises. Please note: Talks are very important so that you can come back to your soul.

But it would be good to find out what the causes of your suicide thoughts are. If they last longer, you might be mentally ill. A diagnosis could put a doctor or a psychologist. It’s probably best if you involve your parents.

Please also consider that young people, above all, can get into a mental crisis very quickly, as they can occasionally have sad phases in the time of puberty, which in the worst case can also lead to suicide thoughts.

When you get into a downward spiral, everything around you looks just black and hopeless, don’t you? You think everything gets worse and thinks there’s no other way out than suicide. But that’s a disgust. You just need someone to help you back up!

You are probably more likely to withdraw from people or you have already done so. It’s not even bad if you need times when you’re all alone. But it becomes problematic if one is completely debrised from its environment and is only grumping all the time. This makes the gloomy thoughts worse all the more! If this is the case with you, try to get back out of your snail house and look for contact with people who appreciate and like you!

And another last thought: If you believe in God, you could also seek help with him. You can talk to him like a good friend. Therefore it is in the Bible: “Confidence to him at all times, O people. Your heart pours out before him. God is a refuge for us” (Psalm 92:8). Isn’t that a nice invitation?

I wish you will get the help you need to overcome your psychic crisis and gradually regain joy! Please do something as soon as possible, because suicide thoughts may be very quickly out of control!

LG Philipp

4 months ago

Do you have family/friends you could trust? That would help. Maybe they can do something with you regularly. You don’t have to talk directly about your negative thoughts. But friends/family can be an important support!

4 months ago

See that good in your life think of your fellow human beings set you goals in life what you want to achieve soon!

4 months ago

The best solution is to wait

4 months ago

As long as you don’t want to take any help, it won’t be.