Smart Geräte offline, Wlanprobleme?
Hallo an alle,
seit ein paar Tagen habe ich Probleme mit meinen Smart Geräten. Das WLAN funktioniert auf z.B meinem Handy und auf dem Fernseher. Meine Smart Geräte (Roborock, Leuchten, Steckdosen) sind jedoch offline und können keine Verbindung mit dem Netzwerk herstellen.
Wenn ich in die WLAN Einstellungen gehe und den 2,4ghz Kanal ändere, kann ich die Geräte für wenige Minuten wieder verbinden. Danach gehen sie wieder alle offline. Das kann ich etliche male so machen aber ohne dauerhaften Erfolg.
Woran kann das liegen? Was kann ich noch probieren? Vielen Dank schonmal😊
this is really strange that it only affects the SmartHome devices. But maybe they’re bothering each other. Or there’s only one evildoer. Therefore, I also recommend cutting all devices from the home network and then starting with a device, testing functionality, the next one, etc. I would also use the other frequency band. Maybe so that if you find that there are problems with a particular device, change to the other frequency band. It may be better to separate certain devices from each other.
I hope it will help you. I’m glad you’ll report if it helps.
Isabelle N.
Hello Isabelle, thank you for your answer.
For example, if I only want to connect the Roborock, it goes after the channel change into the Wlan settings for about 30 seconds. After that he goes offline. This is the same when I do it with a smart socket, for example.
Hey, don’t do that.
Did you choose one of the frequency bands with the devices? Were both tested separately?
Isabelle N.
the router brings iwelche error message? or does the n logfile spit off? did the devices gradually try to bring back online?
otherwise I would really take the device out completely, reset it to factory condition and then re-enter it. first time with one. if that might hold the others.
No error message. I’m just trying with the Roborock, because it’s offline after 1 minute, I don’t have time to connect the others.
am wlan himself have changed nix, right?
I had accidentally activated the Super Wlan at Vodafone without notice. Since then it was no longer possible and I couldn’t change the channel either. I canceled the option and since that I could change the channel again. Have already tried all possible
have you been putting back?
Ne, only the channel changed
Reinstall app once.
Empty memory.
What app? Roborock, Smart Life, Alexa?
Just everyone.
How do I empty the memory?
Apps, Apps Management.
Just Android..
with IOS?