Slow Burn Romanze schreiben?

Ich schreibe grade eine Geschichte, in der eine Frau Gefühle für ihre Chefin entwickeln soll. Aktuell bin ich beim 4. Band, erstrebt ist der 7./8. Band in dem die beiden sich das erste Mal küssen sollen.

Was mir aber Schwierigkeiten bereitet, ist den sogenannten “Slow Burn”-Effekt zu haben. Die Frau soll ganz unterbewusst Gefühle für die andere entwickeln.

Frage ist- wie kann ich das machen? Und wie kann ich dieses “Langsame” beibehalten? Das Ding ist, bis jetzt habe ich es immer nur so geschrieben: “Auf einmal wurde mir klar, ich hatte Gefühle für…” Aber irgendwie fühlt sich das nicht richtig an.

Also, wenn ihr Ideen habt wie man das ganze langsam, aber geschickt schreiben kann, ohne es zu offensichtlich zu machen… kleine Szenarien oder Tipps, Gefühle beschreiben, die aber noch nicht wirklich an Liebe grenzen- seit ihr willkommen diese zu äußern.

Vielen lieben Dank im Vorraus, ich hoffe das war soweit verständlich formuliert.

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7 months ago

Hey 🙂 Maybe the two might be friends first and eventually fall in love.

Besides, you can bring flirts here and there, but neither one of them takes them as flirt because they don’t even think about it or both have another type. At some point, one or both will be aware of how well they know, take unconsciously in protection or think of the other person much too often than they would love.

Hope this helps you a little further! If not, then not 🙂

7 months ago
Reply to  ellasbusyfav

Supii ☺️

7 months ago

I’m just writing a story where a woman should develop feelings for her boss. I’m currently on the 4th volume, the 7th/8 is the first one. Band in which the two should kiss for the first time.

I hope this isn’t the only act, and there’s something else behind it…

Question is- how can I do that? And how can I keep this “slow”? The thing is, so far I’ve always written it like this: “At once I realized I had feelings for…” But somehow it doesn’t feel right.

It doesn’t mean to find out. Quasi as a final realization of something that has gradually developed over the days and weeks and months and years. This is probably triggered by a certain situation, possibly in a quiet moment in which the two are just sitting together and having a conversation, hand of the Love Interest stripes that of the protagonist or she puts the hand on her or something in the way… and then (or shortly afterwards, if your figure ENDLICH has time to think about her feelings) she… oh crap… there is something.

So if you have ideas how to write the whole slowly but skillfully without making it too obvious… describe small scenarios or tips, feelings that are not yet really bound to love – since you welcome to express them.

Well… a friendly falsification, building a trust.

In the end, you can build it like a friendship between the two. You spend more time together, you trust things. Possibly, our main character is also somewhat slow in recognizing its own feelings and therefore the other figure flires with it or at least seeks the closeness.

You have to be careful if the main character does not perceive romantic avenances at all as romantic or if necessary is too busy thinking about something else than that and therefore simply overlooking it. However, you can think it best to ‘andeut’ without actually being the focus of the main character as thinking and acting.

It is then an act of a third person, quasi in the ‘periphery’ of the main character, which only perceives it very ‘nextly’. For example, Love Interest talks about being single and our main character takes up this, but doesn’t think about it, but the reader then learns about her thoughts like the last relationship of the main character was like that or how they bought her first common dog now living at the ex.

7 months ago

“And how can I keep this “slow”?

11/12. Outlining bands results in significantly more sales figures. Jeeez.