Slipeinlagen für jeden Tag?
Hey, eine Frage an die Mädels: benutzt ihr jeden Tag Slipeinlagen und welche könnt ihr empfehlen die man mit jeder Unterwäsche tragen kann? Ich finds immer sehr unbequem welche mit Strings zu tragen aber ohne fühle ich mich auch irgendwie unwohl. Ich hab auch gehört es soll nicht gesund sein jeden Tag.
I wear the parts daily and use the normal size of Satessa. They don’t bother me at all and I don’t care if it should be healthy or unhealthy. I’ve got my reasons for that, and I’m done with the subject.
I don’t wear strings or tangas.
But there are now also matching deposits. Keep looking at the least disturbing you.
It provides less hygiene and even more outflow. To this end completely unnecessary, uncomfortable, expensive and enormous waste
So do you prefer cotton underpants?
if my outflow is strong, I use slip inserts from Carefree. I think they keep better than that of always
I love always tie but with slip inserts are carfree much better
hi I wear the carefree long lus every day (but they are not big). and if I wear a string also the or the carefre nrmal. you can do well.
Why are you wearing them every day?
I don’t like it when my outflow or vaginal discret is in my panties and for that it makes the underwear out.
Don’t worry. Previously too many were thrown away:(
that’s right with the bleaching, isn’t that nice
Between the periods I wear slip inserts when I feel excessive outflow.