Skoda felgen auf Golf 5?

Hallo, ich hoffe jemand kann mir weiter helfen.

Ich habe Skoda Octavia Felgen 225/40/r18 Et51.

Ich würde gerne wissen wollen, ob ich die auf meinen Golf 5 Baujahr 2005, 1,4Liter 75 PS drauf ziehen darf. Wir haben die Felgen drauf montiert gehabt und sie schauen auch nicht über den radkasten raus.

ET 51 LK 5X112

Herstellernummer: 1Z0601025AD

Ronal steht im Reifen drin.

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2 years ago

Dan has no opinion on this and is released for Skoda. They belong to the VAG and are the sizes listed at the Golf 5, I would not have a stomachache. But better check the TÜV on site.

2 years ago
Reply to  MPR94

You can get them at Skoda. As I said, without papers, the TÜV is a bit bad, although the other possibilities have.

2 years ago

Your details are hairy. Ask for rims and write about tires. Below only half details of the rim. Look into the COC paper and compare. In the rim also a VAG or Skoda symbol must be.

2 years ago

Here’s the Skoda report.

You can ask for the TüV and ask if you can enter the RS rims on your golf course. The load should be sufficient every time – an Oktavia RS Kombi certainly weighs significantly more than your golf.

Actually, the part number of Skoda is enough – your TüVer can access the expert report directly.

2 years ago

It’s best to see if there’s a release at Ronal. I guess your wish could work because both cars from VAG come.