Skizze einer Filiale zeichnen?
Hallo zusammen, ich soll eine Skizze von der Filiale in der ich arbeite zeichnen. Bin im Einzelhandel tätig und im ersten Lehrjahr. Hat jemand eine Idee wie ich das ansetzen kann? Habe garkeine Ahnung wie man sowas zeichnet
Most shops / shops are rectangular. So draw a rectangle.
Put yourself in front of your store. What do you see when you go in? Probably the cash area. In addition, possibly the bread counter or the fruit department. And so go through the store, draw the corridors with the shelves up to the warehouse.
It should be just a sketch, so the scale does not have to be exactly correct, the marking of the individual shelves / corridors does not have to be too detailed.
However, not only smear but work properly. If your boss expects more, he’ll tell you after he saw your first draft.
Draw the outline of the shop. And in the field you will then draw the individual shelves and, for example, the location of the meat counter, cheese counter, fruit and vegetables department.
And then you will write them accordingly.
You can then call the real series with, for example, canned food, fine food, bread, drinks etc. Just like it’s built there.
And, of course, record the cash register area.