Skin picking am Arm wie höre ich auf und warum mache ich das?
Ich hab schon seit dem ich ungefähr 11 bin (werde bald 17) einen Tick immer an meinen Armen rum zu spielen ich hab so kleine Kalk drüben oder so da sehen aus wie Pickel sind aber keine und ich habe den Frank alle davon abzureißen oder auszudrücken ich kann es nicht lassen meine beiden Arme sind schon total vernarbt deswegen aber ich kann nicht aufhören sind es nicht meine Arme wo ich was machen kann suche ich was in mein Gesicht oder Beinen generell ob ich irgendwo an meinen Körper was rum picken kann es ist ein richtiger Zwang den ich täglich machen muss oder wenn ich nervös bin kratze ich auch immer an meinen Arm rum ich weiß nicht wieso ich das mache oder wie ich damit aufhören kann
Yes I know Skin Picking problems all over the body and unfortunately I don’t have a solution but it’s really kind of good to hear that you’re not alone with that… Skin Picking unfortunately still impedes me with my other disabilities… It’s not just about poor but everywhere… Unfortunately, have no solution for you just try my tip that your skin picking doesn’t spread out as with me all the body with me it was first also just one place but all I tried not to go to the place it was going to put on others…
Seriously I don’t know if that’s all so, you’re not alone I think that’s the only really reassuring what I can tell you 😞
It’s nice to know that you’re not alone with me it spreads out even if I can’t find my arm on my legs and so
Yeah, I know… That’s so eager I wish I could just stop 😞 I don’t understand it myself…
I am also affected and have recently discovered PickyPads for me. I ordered two here, I found them very well.
I put it on the mirror and next to the sofa, wherever “trigger points” are and use it instead of my skin. Haitian it feels very similar to nibble the small beads from the silicone instead of on my skin.
Heyy, I can understand you so well. It is extremely good to hear from other people. I have so much trouble myself I have not found an optimal solution myself yet, but it helps me if I often have such small injuries/pocket or in general anything I can push up, tear up or scratch on it. It’s best to keep one thing good.
The best thing is that you don’t shave your arm hair in case you do, so it’s more painful to remove the plaster and I don’t want the pain, which makes it easier to stick the plaster 🙂
expressing against the pimple, I have unfortunately not found a solution myself yet, but you could try to employ your hands, for example, with kneading, massage balls. But I have to say that hasn’t really helped me yet.
If you’re in this coercion to have to do that right now, there might be rumours or even tastes to help you, for example, in which you eat in Center shock I have such an inhaling pen of Wick smells really disgusting but if I smell it, it helps to get out of this coercion so a bit.
I hope I could help you with it a bit
Thanks I remember this with the plaster is hard as it goes over my whole head and under arm I have read about such pads in that are small beads that you have to get out
Then take a bandage to the emergency. I think that should have the same effect. Yes these pads I’ve seen the ones at Amazon I’ve been thinking about ordering them, but I wanted to compare them again if I have time to compare them somewhere cheaper.
Boahh I feel that so crassed but can tell if it worked 🙂
I’m going to try this in every case, but I can imagine that I’m gonna take it all off and I used to dress up a long more shirt extra so I can’t get it up and get it up, but I’ve always pulled it up or broken with violence.