Skateboard verbessern?
Heeey 🙂
Ich habe mir letztens ein Skateboard für 20€, ganz neu noch mit Folie dran (normalerweise kostet das Modell fast 40€) besorgt mit den Gedanken es verbessern zu wollen (Link: und da wollte ich direkt mit der Rückseite starten da mir der blaue Wolf nicht gefällt.
Ich hätte halt alles schwarz besprüht und anschließend Sticker drauf gemacht (die Sticker sind wasserfest und aus eher festeren Material, heißt sie sollten geeignet sein) und ich wollte jetzt halt wissen ob ich da noch irgendwas drüber machen sollte damit es besser hält und wenn ja was?
(Insgesamt ist es immernoch billiger alle Teile einzel zusammen zu kaufen als eins zu kaufen welches schon alles hat was ich haben will, zusätzlich habe ich dann mehr Entscheidungsfreiheit)
first I would invest in good rolling (provided you can already drive well), then I would invest in good care oil for the camps, and good tool to be able to hold and set all the screws and bearings
spray cans cost between 3-5 euro, and high quality stickers are not reversed (for protection of stickers are suitable a few layers of clear varnish, but each layer must dry properly, so take a few days!)
I’ll do it.
The OJ Super Juice 78a 55mm was recommended to me, because I want to make use of it all for the movement, I still have to look at the current ones. Is there any clear coat or should I pay attention to something?
Lack, . . . I do not recommend! Not recommended because of occupational or accident protection! I mean, it can (and it will) happen that you get something wet on your shoes or the board! Then you slide! Thirty-five! If the board has Kriesel on it, it already has its reasons.
That’s good for Geil. But I want FAHREN and nich KIEKEN!
lacquer for protection of the sticker(s), I mean (bottom)
on the standing surface is of course somewhat non-slip;-)
Quite honestly, boards from this price class are so massive scrap that you actually have to replace everything – what you were looking for out there is no exception.
I can only strongly advise you to buy it, then you can just burn the money directly, nothing that is original on this board also only meets in the slightest way and wise the quality requirements you should have on such a board.
I would refer you to complete boards:
I’ve read it before.
And, as I said, I only use it to drive through the area and did not even ask whether it is a good decision or not, but only if I should consider something about the stickers.
However, thanks for the answer
I do not take it very seriously
I don’t have any suggestions, everyone has their own feelings or preferences.
For example, I always liked to take rubber rollers (instead of plastic) and get good ball bearings! There were the best in the GDR. And I looked like I always had good joint rubbers!
That’s why the board was always the best! That’s nice to me!