Skateboard und Inline Skates fahren hab ich nie gelernt. Ist es noch möglich dass ich das noch lerne?

Ich bin männlich, werde im Herbst 38 und habe Skateboard fahren und Inlineskates fahren wie gesagt nie gelernt.

Möchte das aber gerne lernen, um weitere Fortbewegungsmöglichkeiten zu haben, da ich kein Auto fahren kann.

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1 year ago

Hi, the question is more: why should you not learn it again 😉

I think learning to drive inlineskates is easier than skateboarding (was so for me to test) but go to study or?😊

Besides, both fun and learning new things is always great, no matter what age!

Grab both and get started, much fun🤩

1 year ago

As long as you are physically fit enough to do such a sport, you are also able to learn it. It won’t be critical until you get to the pension age.

1 year ago

Of course. Unfortunately, I learned a lot of things later than my friends. Better later than never, life is there to be lived 🙂

1 year ago

Of course:)

Just practice a little and then it’ll be okay.

Good luck:D

1 year ago

Of course you can learn. It’s never too late to learn that.

Find out about the driving techniques and get started