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2 years ago

If a physical size depends on amount and direction, it is called vectorial size – these variables (e.g. speed, acceleration, force) can be represented with vectors.

If a physical size is not dependent on its direction but only on its amount, it is called scalar size – these variables (e.g. mass, temperature) can be represented with scales (numbers).

Your size is the speed. So I don’t know what a scalar speed should be.

5 months ago
Reply to  TBDRM

The speed displayed on the speedometer can be considered as scalar speed;)

5 months ago
Reply to  annsrzzz

In principle, the speedometer always shows the amount of the speed vector.

Therefore, the “scale” value cannot vary without which the vector does not change. It could be at most different if the orientation of the vector, but not the amount, is changed.

If the speed sector remains the same, however, it should be immediately clear that in no way anything at the speed can change – that is, not the displayed speed on the speedometer.

5 months ago

Well, of course, you can discuss that, but the fact is that if no direction is specified, then it is not a vector. An amount of a vector is just a scalar. Conclusion: The speedometer shows the scalar speed 😉 Theoretically and independently of that the speed is vectorial.

5 months ago

In principle, yes. It can therefore be regarded as ‘scalar speed’. You wrote in your last sentence, you don’t know what a scalar speed should be, my answer.

Well, the speed is a vectorial size. The “tachometer display”, defined as the amount of the speed vector, is a scalar size, but the speed remains vectorial.

A vectorial also always implies a scalar, the amount. A scalar size has no orientation.

5 months ago

In principle, yes. It can therefore be regarded as ‘scalar speed’. You wrote in your last sentence, you don’t know what a scalar speed should be, my answer. It is clear that the scalar speed does not vary at a constant vectorial speed.

2 years ago

Two vectors agree if they match in amount and direction. If the amount changes, the vector cannot remain constant.

2 years ago

No, I can’t. The reverse is only when the amount remains the same and only the direction changes.