Sitze grad im Hagen Hbf fest – was tun?
Hallo an alle,
sitze grade im Hbf von Hagen (NRW) fest und muss dringend nach Frankfurt.
Heute soll wegen dem Wetter kein einziger Zug mehr fahren, d.h. alle Züge falleb aus (habe ich vom DB-Stationsservice mitgeteilt bekommen und durch die Durchsagen im Bahnhof)
Kein Bekannter könnte mich fahren, Flixbusse und so fahren nicht (Betriebe vorerst wegen Corona eingestellt), über BlaBlaCar habe ich auch schon geguckt, keine Möglichkeit auch darüber und 400-500€ für ein Taxi hab ich auch nicht grade mal so eben.
Was kann ich machen bzw. was würdet Ihr an meiner Stelle tun, wenn Ihr dringend nach Frankfurt müsstet?
Danke im Voraus.
Usually the DB should organize a taxi or an overnight stay in such cases. I’ve already missed my last train 2x for late connections and got a taxi voucher. A taxi emergency traffic was also set up a few years ago when this violent storm damaged the entire railway lines in the Düsseldorf area.
Go back to the info, they can’t just let you sit.
Thank you.
Take a taxi to Cologne. Trains depart from Cologne to Frankfurt. Costs about 160 euros by taxi. The train refunds taxi costs up to 80 euros per person. So you should find someone who has to go in the direction and with which you can share the costs. You could also try the DB Information. You might get a taxi voucher. Then you wouldn’t have to hide the money.
What to do?
Or an excavator and sleep with her.
The tax costs approx. 350 euros. In such emergency situations, people are often found at the taxi rank, who are in the same situation and you can share a tax. Especially if someone has to get to FfM airport. It happened to me.
Then there’s the possibility of a rental car.
If the train no longer drives, you will not get through the street. Take a hotel and try to drive in the morning. Either by train or by car. Until then, the highways could be free. Concrete on “canned”. Oh, yes, I knew three days ago that it’s getting weathery. You can adjust.
Take a rental car. Get at least 80 € refunded from the DB.
was on the radio. Smooth snow, overheads torn, tracks to snow. Others are stranded in food. The train offers accommodation.
In Bielefeld we have 50 cm snow losses
But the weather forecast had already announced this since the beginning of the week.
You should go home. This isn’t gonna happen today. Talk to your travel agency if you can take a later flight.
Who’s talking about flying?
I mean, they’re just 200km, you’re really going fast by car.
Car rentals are closed today, aren’t they?
Do you know when the train goes back? Maybe they’ll drive again tonight
Look, he takes you for 12€
What’s that for a strange side for schedule information?
What do you mean? The information of the train or the link regarding the possibility of driving
Why do you have to go to Frankfurt?
Living in Frankfurt and work there, therefore.
Call and say that you are stranded in Hagen. Exceptional situation.
And why were you in Hagen, please? Work can’t have been… if you work in Frankfurt.
Doesn’t matter, leave him/her!
Sorry. Then you’ve got bad luck when you don’t get away in such a situation. You don’t want to complain because no more trains… In addition, days before the snowfall was warned so you could have taken into consideration… But no… and if you were supposed to drive by the car, you wouldn’t have been thrown up now… But that’s bad luck and unreasonable.
Corona police? It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. It’s his thing. Ruming is not forbidden and as long as you adhere to the rules, you are not attached and also spread nix!
I also take excursions under strict observance of the rules, that I will not take away from anyone