Sittenwidriger Kredit was tun?

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Ich bin meiner Meinung nach an einen sittenwidrigen Kredit gelangt. Ich bin derzeit 20 Jahre alt. 2021 habe ich eine Tätigkeit begonnen, bei der ich zwischen 1.400€ und 1.700€ verdient habe. Ich sollte Einkommensnachweise einreichen, in denen dies zu belegen war. In meinem Kreditvertrag Stande drinnen, dass ich angeblich 1.800€ verdienen würde.
Zudem befand ich mich in der Probezeit.
Was kann ich nun tun? Wenn ich den Vertrag auflösen würde, würde ich das Geld doch sicherlich sofort zurückzahlen müssen, was mir leider nicht möglich ist.

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1 year ago

Sorry, but I can only see that you are not the smartest one, because otherwise you would have asked your savings bank / bank to what interest rate you offer a loan there.

You accepted an interest rate of over 13%.

Consider it as a teaching money and don’t be so stupid in the future that you believe everything to a loan provider and waive the offers of Check24!

I can’t see anything from immortal!

1 year ago

12% are not immortal, only high. It will be deficient from double market averages, which is currently expected to be 15%+

1 year ago

Did you have the one that you said when you had completed the credit you were in the trial period? These aren’t any ransom interest, you just finished with 18, a very high credit for you, even though you only have been creditworthy for a couple of days and thus could not offer the bank any collateral such as good credit.

1 year ago

I don’t understand the question! You requested and received a loan. So everything went in your sense.

Don’t you want to repay the loan now or what is your question? Do you want to talk about the fact that the loan contract was “sittenwidrig” and you don’t need to repay the loan?

It won’t work! Give up this (sorry) stupid plan!

1 year ago
Reply to  Jordan2161

It is a normal loan. The conditions were known to you and as you could hardly offer any collateral, you take high interest rates. Not for nothing, reputable banks would grant you such a loan. Illegal isn’t. You don’t know what you’re closing at 18 and you can read at age. You were too greedy and wanted money quickly. Now you have to live with the consequences and continue to pay the rates.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jordan2161

You’re full of business at 18 years. If you don’t know what you’re closing, you’re not allowed to conclude any contracts or you have to have them checked by a lawyer, the consumer center or anyone else. That’s not an excuse! You felt at least 18 able to complete the contract. It’s not to shake.

You have contractually recognized the terms. You wanted the loan and you were ready to pay the interest rate. If he finds you too high several years later, it’s too late!

I don’t know if the interest rates are rage. They may be anger after your feeling, but that does not mean that they are also juridical anger.

Here you can find out about Wucherzinsen:

1 year ago
Reply to  Jordan2161

At 18 you are (at least according to the law full-year, and fully responsible for his deeds).

If you wanted to revoke the contract due to suspected interest rates, all the benefits drawn would be guaranteed within 14 days.

So consider where you should take the money from.

1 year ago

Yes, I’ll have to turn on a lawyer

Why? What are you gonna do? Your lawyer can’t undo the contract. So you pay the lawyer a fee for something he can’t change. Great! That’s how you waste money. But you will probably only have to pay this tuition so that you learn that not everything in life can be interpreted according to your wishes, but that legal standards must be set.

1 year ago

Then you know how to proceed.

1 year ago

No, it doesn’t fulfill the rage’s deed.

1 year ago
