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2 years ago

If you make films or series, you can only use historical theories as people have acted and lived at that time. Of course, you hardly have witnesses from this century. At this time, man was at most 50 years old (average). However, both old and new films come to reality very much. However, in films some decades are told in just 2 hours, in series you can stretch a lot more. Depending on season or their episodes. It can be assumed that a season is always in the series 1 year – an episode several days/weeks/months. Also in terms of production. 1 year for a production stand.

Some things are certainly preferred, others later told (filmed). Depends on the script and budget, and how complex is history.

In other films/series, it is also possible to exaggerate to include more action in a short time, but also to attract/solidate viewers.

But my conclusion is that it is not 100%, but certainly 80% of reality.

2 years ago

I didn’t see the film, but he would have become a candidate for the foreign Oscar, would not have been known to the Teichtmeister.