Sinnvoll um auf Tabak zu verzichten?
Meine Oma raucht jeden Tag ca. 5-20 Zigaretten. Wir (Familie) würden ihr gerne helfen, auf Tabak zu verzichten und da habe ich folgendes im Internet gefunden:
Ich weiß es handelt sich um Einweg E-Zigaretten, aber sonst muss man halt so viel direkt kaufen.
Meint ihr das könnte ihr helfen? Sie muss ja nicht direkt komplett aufhören, aber ist halt besser als Rauchen.
Danke für alle Antworten im voraus,
And with it electric scrap or special waste. So there’s a problem in the disposal, because in the household waste things have nothing to look for.
If she is not absent from the idea, go with her into a specialist business!
No attempts, because the shot goes into the oven.
Let us give you detailed advice, because the specialist business can only find a suitable device based on the smoke habits and the smoke style and also recommend liquids with a suitable nicotine concentration for the changeover.
Simply buy something and hope it works, in many cases it reaches the exact opposite. The devices land in the closet or in the waste, because the user does not feel that a cigarette can be replaced in non-fitting devices.
Thanks for the great detailed answer! We’ll do that! If there’s a dislike, how do you bring it closer to her? My other grandpa said that such a medical study or something makes sense to convince her.
If it’s released, the star will definitely get.
For your grandpa… 😉
The damage potential of e-cigarettes compared to smoking or to cigarettes is proven to be below 5%. In other words, the consumption of e-cigarettes (including nicotine) is at least 95% less harmful than smoking cigarettes or smoking generally.
If there is a UK study may be issued by the British Ministry of Health…
What the mirror means about the subject and exactly this study…
Medicines hold E-cigarette for blessings…
An important fact of the damage caused by the smoke. Thousands of substances, some of which are highly toxic, are produced by the smoke, which is basically produced by combustion.
Such a combustion does not exist in E-cigarettes. There are no solids in e-cigarettes that could be burned. It is only a liquid which is heated and steam produced, appropriately used.
Why the addition “for proper use“… because, theoretically, E-cigarettes can also produce smoke if they can coke with too little liquid or with a false pulling technique that is present in the evaporator head. In this special case, but also only then, e-cigarettes can generate smoke, which would also be harmful, NOT OT.
Very important for a successful and lasting change from smoking, steaming… or at some point a complete exit… at the beginning ample nicotine and in doubt IMMER prefer to dose higher than too little.
Don’t worry about nicotine. Nicotine is a really harmless substance that is especially not an enemy in this situation, but a friend.
The answer that is a comment should also be merely a supplement to the response of Xandros.
Thank you. Long no longer had such a good answer! Unfortunately, the star is already gone, and my grandpa too😭
With the information, she’ll be able to convince herself a bit, I’ll look at it.
These e-cigarettes are supposed to be more harmful to health and lungs than cigarettes
And whoever claims this has informed himself of messages from the sensational media and has also seen the never-ending corrections….
It is, of course, bullshit, because if e-cigarettes do not burn anything, the steam already lacks a large number of the pollutants contained in the tobacco smoke, which arise only during combustion. And why something more harmful should be, where harmful substances are already lacking from the functioning, everyone should be embarrassed.
In addition, the ingredients of the liquids must meet food requirements and are considered to be safe in inhalation even at ECHA. (Even the DKFZ had to correct or even withdraw previous warnings due to the alleged danger of e-cigarettes due to containing false statements.)
Thanks for the addition!
That may also encourage them a little!
Uh… yes… but: OFFICE is the Earth a disk, there are UFOS here and people have been kidnapped by aliens…
GUT… that you have no knowledge of e-cigarettes.
The emphasis refers to ANGEBLICH and is absolutely wrong!
E-cigarettes contain a potential damage of less than 5% compared to cigarettes. Nominal damage is not to be expected from e-cigarettes because they do not contain any harmful substances or which could arise.
In liquid, harmful substances are already prohibited by law and this is valid for both liquid and gaseous aggregates.
Please no longer spread such false claims in the future. Thank you.