Sinken die Flugpreise im Laufe des Jahres wieder?

Ich zahlte für meinen (businessclass-)Flug nach Bangkok im Februar fast das doppelte als vor der Pandemie. Nahm das in Kauf, aber nun dachte ich, dass sich die Preise wieder beruhigen. Seit Tagen beobachte ich die Preise für Januar 2024 und stelle fest, dass die nochmal etwa gleich bis 10 % teurer sind als Jan/Febr 2023.

Frage 1: Meint Ihr, die Preise gehen die nächsten Monate zurück ?

Frage 2: Ich schaue immer bei , und stellte heute fest, dass fast alle “Billig”-Anbieter, vor allem seat24 bei trustpilot extrem schlechte Bewertungen haben. Da traut man sich gar nicht, da zu buchen. Wie seht Ihr das ?

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1 year ago

Prices for tickets will not be covered. This is also due to the fact that the unions have made very high wages, which, of course, affects prices.

Pilots get more money, the ground staff gets more money and the employees in other facilities too.

The higher the wages, the more expensive the tickets you have to expect the prices to increase rather than become cheaper.

This is about full wage increases and special payments. They must pass on the airlines to the passengers if they want to make profits

We can be glad that Kerosin does not tax us, otherwise the tickets would be much more expensive.

11 months ago
Reply to  Ontario

I’m just laughing at such a text. The ticket prices have risen internationally and this is the result of supply and demand, including that the airlines also have open invoices from the COVID time. The wage increases are in Germany and are just inflation compensation. Where the employees have left for years.

If the Cerosin is taxed, German airlines can be made and Arab airlines will be happy. Na Prost meal

1 year ago

Unprobably. Air prices have risen not only because of Corona and the consequences, but also because of climate protection measures. Flying becomes a real luxury (until Airbus’ hydrogen drive becomes standard). Despite the fact that these long-haul prices could be a little lower than currently, this is only an optimistic estimate, as more and more short-haul routes are set.

Booking cheap airlines is always a risk. You think about BirgenAir or Spirit… Service costs money. This is not better in inflation.

11 months ago

I would rather say that the ticket prices before COVID were far too cheap.

This is just the opinion of someone who works in aviation and not because of this ollen CO2 Kram 😉

Anyone who has a portal bay must always think that it has no rights to the airline, but must always turn to the portal. If you do not have to rebook or cancel, a cheap portal will probably not make any problems. But if…

1 year ago

You don’t have to fly businessclass, so you can still press the price.

1 year ago
Reply to  AnnaStark

o.k…I wouldn’t want to fly so long at all, no matter what class.

11 months ago

Fly in August for 1 week to Elba. Flight just takes 1.5 hours… that’s enough for me.

11 months ago

You see you haven’t been to Thailand yet. Otherwise you would think differently 😂