Sind Züge vegan?
Damit meine ich die Züge an sich, nicht das Bistro/Restaurant im Zug.
Reifen-Fahrzeuge (Autos, Busse, Fahrräder, etc) sind ja nicht vegan, weil da tierische Fette in den Reifen drinnen sind. Manche Marken benutzen auch noch Leder bei den Sitzen.
Da Züge weder Ledersitze noch Reifen haben, wäre es interessant zu wissen, ob sonst irgendwo beim Bau tierische Produkte verwendet werden.
During the ride many insects are killed, sometimes it also catches a bird or another larger animal. Some time ago, a train went to a red boar running over the tracks.
As I said, I mean the construction, not the ride.
Yeah, at the copper refinery. To obtain high purity copper, bone glue is used. Each electric device is unvegan
Something should be banned. There are no substitutes.
Some of them have guard dogs. They land on the plate with the Chinese.
It is not completely excluded and if it is only the talc with which the shape is smashed, which forms the negative for e.g. cast iron axle body support.
Yes. Everything is interesting.
What is in mature animal origin? If you don’t know yet: Reigen on trains are made of steel. I haven’t seen a cow that gives the oxen steel
and leather has always been artificial leather thus no longer of animal origin leather/
I wrote moves, now don’t have to get around the corner by car, I know that myself, because I have such an equipment in my car and no artificial leather comes in my car
Then read my last paragraph in the question description.
Read the paragraph before
“and leather has never been artificial leather anymore”
It’s not like trains.
What’s wrong with that? Except for your emotions. Reasonable
What animal fats are processed in tyres? Afaik is processed steel, various chemicals and artificial and/or natural rubber (= plant).
Fats or oils as lubricants are needed in as well as any machine for operation (but has nix to do with tires). However, these are typically produced from petroleum.
You can discuss whether oil (Fette, but also: petrol and diesel for diesel locomotives or even cars) is vegan – there, afaik, also animals/insects belonged to, hm, starting material.
No, that’s bullshit.