Sind Wheelies erlaubt?
Bin vorhin von der Arbeit nach Hause gefahren (mit dem Auto) und ne Gruppe Motorradfahrer hat mich überholt und einige haben Wheelies gemacht. Sah schon cool aus, hab mich aber dann gefragt, ob das erlaubt ist, oder irgendwo laut StVO verboten ist. Weiß da jemand genauer bescheid?
This is prohibited indirectly. According to STVO, you must have and control your vehicle JEDERZEIT.
(1) Participation in road transport requires constant caution and mutual consideration.
(2) Whoever participates in traffic has to behave in such a way that no other person is damaged, endangered or more than is unavoidable, impeded or harassed according to the circumstances.
There have been discussions about this for years.
The fact is that there is no paragraph in the StVO that prohibits driving on a wheel.
However, it can be designed as a hazard to other road users. This, in turn, is punished with a fine which, however, is quite low.
it is shown as “forbidden”, but there is no paragraph in the StVO that directly prohibits driving on a wheel. However, in most cases it is argued that one would endanger other road users (in your case – if they pass by you in the wheelie – this is also a “risk” of another road user, as in the event of an accident of the motorcyclists it can also go bad for you).
Conclusion: Wheelies on public roads are allowed as long as no other road users or pedestrians are nearby and can be proven that one has only threatened oneself.
Funfact: Wheelies cost 10,000€ in Austria.
Because you can’t make a full brake or a deviating manoeuvre at the wheelie, you’re violating the StVO.
Austria has tightened the laws so that a wheelie costs $10,000.
No, that’s not allowed.
In Germany nothing is allowed hahahaha
Wheelies look cool but will look less cool when a motor driver sticks on your windshield.
It makes sense that you may not endanger others or you in road traffic. Private on a secured property, I have no objection, nor the law.
On public roads
nö is not allowed.
About Anna