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Mache mir momentan immer 2 Eiweißshakes und 1 Eiweißjoghurt. Pro shake nehme ich 250g Magerquark, 56g Haferflocken und einen Apfel. Allerdings werde ich von Magerquark immer richtig müde. Wenn ich jetzt stattdessen Eiweißpulver nehme, was passiert dann? Nehme ich dann ab? Was noch? Ich esse zusätzlich noch Eiweißbrot und viele Kerne.
Warum sind Veganer so nervig und wollen nicht akzeptieren, dass jemand weiterhin Fleisch mag oder essen will?
Warum akzeptieren die es nicht, dass man kein veganer sein will?
If the dosage matches the need/blood value, definitely.
Yes, if it fits the body feeling. For example, I have a full-time job in front of the PC and now in winter I’m not out of it at noon. I’m very good!
most have a deficiency, vitamin D is hardly to get between October and April, in food is far too little
I’ve been taking 5000 IE for years and in winter up to 10000 IE, I’ve never been sick since, but also here does not help much, you can also overdose vitamin D
if a lack of medical attention is already.
Just like that you should not take dietary supplements
Most of these countries have a shortage at the latest in the spring and do not know. This is the main problem. I also find that one has to pay a measurement in part itself.
The main problem in my eyes is that everyone considers himself an expert and then makes clear statements on the health of unknown persons.
The doctors are responsible for this
A doctor can take the blood measurement and make a diagnosis. Everything else you can easily acquire and research yourself.
I find the main problem is that we no longer rely on ownership, research and knowledge in Germany. This will be done to other people and if it goes wrong, of course, the other debts are always.
All relevant information about vitamin D is easily available and relatively easy to understand. It’s not rocket science.
Hello related to Vitamin D there is a very good contribution here:
The crowd makes it