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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

What does “many”?

If one assumes about 2.9 million students* and that about 3.1 % of the adult population operates a sick alcohol consumption**, one could assume that there are about 90,000 students suffering from alcohol dependence.

I don’t know how close the number is to the actual number. However, if you read such reports or consider the age structure***, you might think that the number is underestimated.

Every fifth student drinks risky amounts of alcohol,

Excessive drinking at many students quite normal,

The affected persons seem to be able to fill at least one central city, possibly even a large city (from 100,000 inhabitants). In this respect “many”.


** tobacco-illegal drugs and drugs

*** See Table 6

1 year ago

so I honestly barely know students who do not regularly acidify 😀 Also the whole WG / student parties etc., there is also a lot of shaking

1 year ago

A former law student told me that more than half of her fellow students take drugs, such as cocaine, ash or grass. Whoever does that, of course, does not have any concerns about alcohol. This makes one or the other profession appear in a completely new light. Where alcohol is anyway the popular drug number 1. Since also socially accepted.

Luckily she (the law student) had not studied medicine. But there are also some drug-related doctors. They’re basically sitting at the source. But that gives you to think already.

1 year ago

Alcoholics are about the same in all the groups you’re looking for, because there’s nothing to do with the amount of drinking if someone has the disease.

Whether someone tries too much alcohol: It may be that in a group you will find more of these things than in another.

1 year ago


Many students are alcoholics.

Many students are abstinencers.

It should also be borne in mind that many housewives and even housewives are alcoholics, but there are also many supporters of the abstinence movement among these people.

So, your question, , from my point of view, is as superfluous as an alcohol rush.

1 year ago

No but most are more stressed and tired

1 year ago

no, but some already

1 year ago

Too many.

1 year ago

And if it’s just stupid students. I didn’t know anyone.