Sind verschieden eingangspannung beimStep Down Converter möglich oder kommt eine andere spannung raus?

Hallo,ich habe eine defekte JBL Xtreme 2 die nicht mehr lädt,habe auch nachgemessen um das zu bestätigen,jetzt möchte ich mir einen step down converter bestellen um die spannung runterzuregeln,soweit wäre das mein plan doch jetzt die frage,ich habe ein 3x pack und möchte denn usb anschluss ebenfalls direkt an denn akku verbinden da dieser ziemlich langsam lädt egal mit welchem kabel oder gerät,die spanung vom akku voll sind 8,4v und leer 6v,macht das einen unterschied wenn der step down converter verschiedene spannungen bekommt bzw, bleibt die ausgangsspannung bei 5v?

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2 years ago

It can be good that he can carry different tensions. The minimum and maximum voltage of the specific step-down controller and the maximum current or power shall be taken into account. That should be in his data sheet.

2 years ago
Reply to  Erik129

Don’t worry, he doesn’t always need to be. If you always put him up on a turbulent e.g. 1 time used and back to 100% etc…- I did and caused a battery damage and was allowed to get me a new one (God be thanks to warranty) – you might break the battery unless there is something else in the product description. Then you can probably recharge this without danger. I’m guessing to be careful anyway. An electro damage no matter where is not just harmless as always fit on you and your fellow human beings and the electronics on then everything will go well. And look for consultants or technicians with problems to the side that will help you and give you tips. But don’t try to fix it alone. – Unless you’re an electronic or technician I did it and then had a total damage caused by Mo could buy a new phone….

2 years ago
Reply to  Erik129

If the voltage is operated within the permissible voltage, the output should also be able to be loaded normally. In case of doubt, deviations are then additionally listed somewhere in the data sheet.