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2 years ago

You can’t say that flat. This depends on motorization, material used, fuel and oil quality etc. And this varies depending on the user and model.

2 years ago

Why? Toyota also consumes steel and other metals during production, including Toyota engines burn fuel and it would not be known that Toyota works significantly more resource-saving during production, nor that consumption would be excessively lower.

2 years ago

Hybrid cars are not necessarily more environmentally friendly.

2 years ago

For example, Bugattis are more environmentally friendly, as first, not so often built and second, not so much on the go.

2 years ago

Toyota also builds “normal” cars.

2 years ago

Toyotas are also normal cars. But they have already thought of hybrids much earlier, from 1998 onwards, than other manufacturers.

They also only bring “finished” vehicles to the market.

2 years ago

Somehow, Toyota are normal cars.

But yes, fleet consumption is better than with certain other brands. The atomic current share is lower than Tesla.

2 years ago

For 20 years, they have been building mainly hybrids, the first hydrogen car has actually been released in series.

2 years ago
Reply to  RefaUlm

“Since 20 years they have been building hybrids”

No. Over time, they have built only 15 million hybrids, with nearly 9 million cars a year. This is far below 50%.

“The first hydrogen car has even been released in series.”

Also a post-factual claim. It was Honda.

2 years ago
Reply to  Fraganti

Right, was too lazy to look out the exact numbers that I had with Honda no longer on the screen, thanks for the improvement 😁👍

2 years ago

Why would they even be?