Sind Tauben essbar (und ist es legal diese zu verzehren)?
Hi! Ich glaube jeder hat sich schonmal eine Taube angeschaut und diesen Gedanken im Kopf gehabt🤪. Oder bin ich da alleine?
So aufjedenfall würde ich gerne mal so eine Federpracht schnabolieren. Ist dieses Fleisch jetzt aber verzehrbar? Ist das überhaupt legal? Eigentlich werden diese wundervollen Flugsauren ja als Ratten des Himmels bezeichnet, deswegen denke ich der legale Aspekt ist unbedenklich. Doch würde ich mich dadurch trotzdem strafbar machen? Wenn ja, kann ich diese Regelung irgendwie umgehen?
Ich würde mich auf eine Antwort freuen. Hat jemand auch zufällig noch Erfahrungen und Rezeptideen für diesen köstlichen Geflügelschmaus🙈
You may not shoot the next flight rat and grill – probably it would be old and tough + full of spices – but you may buy a pigeon for consumption. It comes then usually nicely already dead, germinated and excluded, dead in any case, and some of the interiors are also always out because the vulture is otherwise very timely inedible.
So I wouldn’t eat such a street pig because of illnesses and stuff. But there are rumours that you can eat
If you burn them properly, it’ll be
Then good hunger XD
Me neither, eat more fish
Thank you.
Meat is generally not my…
I did. In a restaurant in Italy. I don’t know what they’d have distinguished from a chicken. Except that was as good as nothing.
Of course you can’t catch pigeons. Especially since you don’t know if these birds have diseases. I’ll get them on the market. Either I cook soup or fill it with poultry chop and then roast it in the oven.
You can’t catch them yourself. My neighbor of the hunters is not allowed to shoot them either. It could be displayed. We even have a problem with the loving animals during operation. They’re building nests everywhere, and they’re sacking the whole plant. We have to catch them with traps. Living! Then they come to a collection station, are fed and delivered to falconry as a feed. I don’t know why we can’t burn them up. We’d give them a call. “Killed by kacking” or something. 🤣
In the morning the Viechers make me crazy. There I can save the alarm clock 🤨I always got the fluttermen from a breeder. And when they were lying crispy on the plate, I thought ” punishment must be ” 😂
Falken catch the pigeons. There are some falcon couples with us on the industrial site. But they can’t eat as many as they multiply.
Who wants trouble with the neighbors? Maybe cats would be a solution 😅
It’s bad with us! Especially at the WE I get blood rush when the Viechers roar. Ne thermonuclear explosion would be a solution. But then neighbor’s roof is broken. 😲
Apart from the animal welfare law and other laws, regulations, rules, etc., urban pigeons are not Ringel or Turkeon pigeons.
With us in the city they are considered a plague and may be caught and consumed by self-government (I have already done). However, many people recommend that pigeons are extremely unhygienic/unclean. There’s not much meat on such a pigeon. With us in the area there is even an elite restaurant serving pigeons. Little bit, expensive and tasty also not mine.
I am also interested in hunting and weapons, but I still like animals.
I would also be interested in such a pigeon strike. Pigeons are very intelligent. In addition, birds are cool. They’re stupid. They’re stinking, they suck everywhere.
At least I have permission to hunt these animals, catch them and eat them.
I would rather hunt ducks, geese, turkeys and then eat
Just ask your city how it is regulated with you.
Whether a Habicht, Wanderfalke or I as a human make a dove and eat, it doesn’t matter at all.
Destroying pigeons from the city and slaughtering is not allowed. However, you can purchase pigeons for consumption and prepare them classic.
Täubchen is edible. Of course. And delicious