sind Tanzkurse mit Foxtrott und Cha Cha Cha noch für junge Leute angesagt?

zum ersten Kennenlernen des anderen Geschlechts ein Tanzkursus oder ist das zu “altbacken” anstelle von “anbaggern” mit Cha Cha Cha?

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9 months ago

In any case, dance schools are still popular (only meanwhile with significantly fewer and less strict rules as before, there is usually a very loose handling there). I, my friend and a few of my other friends are visiting the dance school with great enthusiasm. Without her and dancing, I could not imagine my life now, as I feel so comfortable in such a big community where many people share a nice hobby together. The mood there is great, many people are very sympathetic and it is always great fun to learn new figures and more technology and I am also an enthusiastic ballad.

Meanwhile, together with my friend, I have already reached the Goldstar course, after which I want to continue in the dance circle and formation dance and my dream is to become ADTV dance teacher.

9 months ago

So I mean dancing is timeless. Everyone and everyone can have their fun.

But dancing is primarily a sport. One is focused on the steps and following instructions by the dance teacher.

I didn’t feel romance. Neither with the many dance partners nor with me. But basically.. Where one encounters one another, it can crack.

9 months ago

“Said” no in no case. Hardly anyone under 40 can still think standard dances .

Clearly there are exceptions. Or couples who make this together.

9 months ago
Reply to  xDavina

That’s not true. There are sooo many young people, including me, who visit a dance school with a lot of pleasure.

9 months ago
Reply to  ArwenPotter

I don’t know a person. Didn’t say that no one does it. “Note” is something that’s as good as everyone does. And that’s definitely not that and it comes to the fact that the FS connects with nem to get to know.

9 months ago

I have made one myself and know many who also do dance classes.

9 months ago

It’s nothing to know. It is only suitable for dancing.

Actually, people go to such courses with a partner.

9 months ago
Reply to  Genervter0815

Not necessarily. Some come alone and then dance with guest mates or with people who have come alone.

9 months ago
Reply to  ArwenPotter

I haven’t seen a dance class before

9 months ago
