Sind Sie gerade traurig, weil Ihr Arbeitgeber morgen nicht geöffnet ist?
Oder gehören Sie zu den glücklichen Menschen, die morgen wieder zur Arbeit gehen dürfen und sich auf einen neuen Tag voller Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten freuen können? Es ist immer ein besonderes Gefühl, Teil eines Teams zu sein und gemeinsam an Zielen des Chefs zu arbeiten.
I look forward to my work tomorrow, start a cool project at 🤭
My AG has open tomorrow only I have vacation, but of course after 3 weeks vacation I will certainly miss my work again if not earlier.
I’m happy to have a vacation until the beginning of next year.
Then “I’ll work for 8 months, and then I’ll retire. I am particularly pleased with this.
I just got zero grieving because I can’t work tomorrow
My job is occupied, 24/7/365. But I’m free tomorrow, because I’ve had Christmas Eve service.
I am happy to have free because it will be the first day without social interaction for many days.
Yeah, I’m very sad. I’d rather work.
I have free tomorrow and I am happy that this is so:)
However, I still have a couple of things on my to-do list that need to be checked.
I can work tomorrow.
Imagine: I have taken voluntarily vacation.
I can work tomorrow.
I’m lucky I have another week’s vacation.