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First of all, I give my work force, so the term “employer” and “employer” is very misunderstood. I don’t take any work away from my employer.
I’m 59, I’ve been constantly working high in my job, and I’m getting an exceptionally good salary. For this, my breadmaker is also entitled to exceptionally high use. Sometimes there’s only one word “fair evening” or “foliation” and sometimes it happens that I’m stuck in a call with the west coast of the USA without putting it in the gliding time around 20h and currently I have a call with Australia once a week at 7:30h (and then keep the colleagues off their evening:-)).
On “everything” my sponsor and contract partner has no claim. Fortunately, in such a large company, attention is also paid to the “work-life balance”.
What are you doing cool?
IT project manager at the IT company of a large German insurance company.
Hi MarketWizard,
Well, until the complete self-tasting certainly not, but because I work for and with people who are most heavily influenced, I fully invest my energy for these people. Here I am willing to give everything and the institution just pays me for it..
L.G. underdogs969
I’m ready to do a lot because I like my job and my team, but not everything.
neutrally, it is clear to me that it is necessary to provide a minimum benefit – but that is not a specific definition.
Employers can take advantage of it when the boss notices that you take part in every free-wave layer and also stays for 1 hour and often use it.
No, I would even quit when it escalates. I sacrifice myself for my family and friends but not for my job.
It’s been exploited and I’ve had burnout in the end. This has not meant that my employer at the time intended to pay a decent salary or to pay a little more out of his employees. I’ve been sworn to do something since then, but not anymore. I’m not going to work sick. I’m stressing when I’m underweight until someone gets hired. I don’t work for two or more.
“I’m doing stress until someone is hired in case of a reduction.” That’s the only thing that helps. It must be perceptible to the AG that there are problems. Then they do something.
I didn’t say. At my last point it was so that it was called from the board of directors ‘we have not yet found anyone who fits us’ and ‘see it as a chance to grow tasks’ and from the board ‘as I hear they have been grinding the project work lately. And then you’re asking us to hire someone immediately and pay even more pay? I think that’s quite unfroen from you!’
Exactly! Could be my own story :). It’s not worth breaking up for a job, it’s not thanks to you, and if you need help and support at some point for some reason, you don’t get it, no matter how long and intense you have gone in advance. Once and never again!
Of course, I still do my current job for best knowledge and conscience, I am motivated and committed. But only in the framework that is contractually agreed and is paid! No more “under the table” overtime, no more engagement beyond my place in other, partly foreign areas, no more hiding in relation to my private life in favor of the job.
It went out. After several discussions I made blue until I was terminated.
Then the Board of Management should do this 😉
So all in any case not but the tasks I get that I perform properly and conscientiously and I’m going to deal with the things around and yes but, for example, crazy things don’t do any way.
If the employer gives everything for me, maybe, but I have never experienced it.
Then you had the wrong superiors.
Dude no I would quit in doubt
What is the difference between “no, in no case” and “no one!!!”?
I would do a lot if there were no private, urgent reasons to talk about it and not to overtake it. I’ve done many times. And I also enjoy certain privileges. Let’s go and take it.
My employer is always extremely poor when it comes to more pay.
This has a direct influence on my readiness to perform
So am I;) Who pays little is also getting little!
Then the first one to go.
Therefore, I will give everything, I will never get sick as well as despise when it comes, even on holiday!
WAs you got for a business?
Management of own real estate.
It is also felt in person.
Sounds great!
You get a super salary for that!
If that’s true, why not!
Because some really think they’re more important than their own family. Many employers would like to have that one would always choose for them but not with me. I never admitted myself.
Meanwhile, I’m doing my own thing. :
As part of my working hours: Yes.
No… I learned from this mistake. I never do that again.
I have some spare time