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Well, if you’re banished because you’re being bullied and stalked and mass reported from another platform, then you’re not saying:/
Ever since 2016, tumblr has been attacked so hard that it has been overwhelmed by reddit at some point and you have simply abused the report function and tried to hack the account several times and even once managed it by a friend I actually trusted.
However, it was also too much that I nem Neckbeard tried to explain the difference between gay and lesbian, where I only said that gay stands for homosexual men and not for two women and that women in this constellation have their own word and should not use the word gay because actually lesbian would be correct.
Have you ever been on Reddit? What is it supposed to be intelligent? I’ve been using it for years and haven’t seen a lot of intelligent, there are all themes and is there for everyone
Depends on the subreddit, but generally not better than the average person. And don’t even know what subreddit is.
There can be any registration, intelligent people as well as those who make nix out of their intelligence and thus are referred to as stupid.
No, they’re definitely not.
then everyone would have to be highly intelligent, everyone can create an account there for free. What exactly does that have to do with intelligence?
Perhaps use is difficult or it only attracts intelligently
so stupid. There are even porn or Gore videos shown. 🤦
Who said that now? What exactly should attract highly intelligent ones now on an app/website where any content can upload, anyone can sign up for free from food to nude pictures/videos, suicides, troll posts???
Sorry, but I’ve never heard such a bullshit that an app or a website should have something to do with intelligence. Then WhatsApp would have to dress stupid or what?
You can use any app if you know where what is. Isn’t that hard? It can even be a grandma that is 100.
P*rnos are for stupid?
They’re almost as stupid as they are. Trolle is also similar to many. So no