Sind Protein Riegel gesund?

Hallo , ich esse kein Zucker was in Fast Food , Süßigkeiten viel drinnen ist dennoch liebe ich Schokolade , Süßigkeiten und wollte fragen ob es eine gesündere Alternative ist wenn man einen Protein Riegel isst habe gemerkt wenn ich zwei esse das die Lust auf normale Süßigkeiten weg geht weil der Riegel wie normale Schokolade schmecken tut und nur 2 Gramm Zucker pro Riegel hat und es mit Süßungsmitteln hergestellt sind esse es nur 1-2 pro Woche um keinen Heißhunger zu bekommen und sieht man durch Süßungsmitteln älter aus als man ist ?

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10 months ago

So first, protein bars have a lot of sugar and calories. I wouldn’t recommend if you wanted to take more protein. I guess you’re still quite young, eating more eggs, dairy products, fish and meat, these are natural protein sources.

Second, no by sweeteners you don’t look older.

And if you want to eat something sweet, eat food or berries. dried fruits or natural fruit gums without much sugar. If you do a diet.

To stop your hot hungry, I recommend you to eat unhealthy sugar, drink water with lemon or a delicious mint tea. That shuts the hostages. Or distract yourself with it, walk out for a walk. Chewing gum chewing is also a good idea.

10 months ago
Reply to  Minee285

What protein bars have a lot of sugar?

10 months ago
Reply to  Daniel551980

feels all consist of 50% sugar or artificial sweeteners.

10 months ago

It is, in principle, already. It’s a bit healthier than a normal chocolate bar. Some have quite a lot of calories in it, even a chocolate bar would be less haha. “Labor sugar” carries just as much health risks when you consume it too often.

10 months ago

Feels the right expression. Most work with sweeteners and calorie-free sweeteners. added sugar is not customary.

On the line, this is a sweetness/a snack with better ingredients and nutritional values than a “normal” chocolate bar.

10 months ago

You should visit a therapist.

Your fear that you could look older when you really are is really sick.

10 months ago
Reply to  Timofficial09

How “old” someone looks is completely subjective. You can ask 10 people and get 12 answers, none of which can be right or you don’t like. Focusing on something that is not measurable and completely subjective makes little sense. Start to like yourself and follow a healthy lifestyle…

10 months ago
Reply to  Timofficial09

Because it is absolutely sick that all your questions are about whether any food makes you look older or you are 21 too old

10 months ago
Reply to  Burritone

Yes, but that’s true I’m full of you, why you’re so afraid? That’s a normal thing. Every age is beautiful. And you should not worry about whether you are too old or not. Disabled world, mass consumption of tiktok insta etc. Shake your self-image all the more. You should worry about your psyche rather than your young age. LG, W20

10 months ago

Above all, you age faster, when you are constantly stressing yourself, when you are much concerned, you have a lot of fear that you can’t change, you are constantly controlling yourself and always trying to cheat yourself and think out where you don’t need it.

self-control is the worst.

These protein bars are, by the way, a large part of chemical bombs. and that if you’re tired of sharing two, it’s completely clear. there’s a buzz of chemicals in it, so that the parts in the skin are swelling. thickener and binding agent and so on.

that the parts taste like normal chocolate, you talk to yourself or you have eaten in life only the last chocolate.

I eat nothing in the morning, but drink a milk coffee with about 75ml hot milk in it. sometimes it doesn’t extend me until lunchtime. then I also put in a small protein bar or a muesli bar or a fruit bar. A good thing. in the main because they are individually packed and so you don’t have to eat them on the day you brought them. Moreover, they have been swallowed quite quickly and they almost immediately give off their energy via the short-chain carbohydrates and with the longer-chain and the ballast substances they ensure that after-produced insulin is still metabolized and thus no hot-hunger attacks occur.

if you have problems with hotter, get cracked and eat one to two slices quite slowly at hot or sweet. chew every bite until it starts to taste sweet.

10 months ago

Yeah, better than candy and chocolate, but not “healthy”.

In many, however, a lot of sugar is so that it tastes like something at all.

And those who do not have a little sugar in it have tons of flavors in it.

Not directly harmful, but the definition of healthy is another.

In addition, they are highly processed (sweet but also, from the point of view it does not make any difference)

10 months ago

Protein bars can be a healthy snack to rebuild the muscles after training and keep hunger in check or simply serves as a healthy treat. However, it is important that your protein bar is selected based on your fitness goals.