Sind Pferdeäpfel giftig für Menschen?
wie gefährlich ist es für einen Menschen, Pferdeäpfel zu essen?
wie gefährlich ist es für einen Menschen, Pferdeäpfel zu essen?
Ich bin zufällig auf ein kurzes Video von einem Garde auf einem Pferd und dieses Pferd verhält sich ziemlich komisch, zumindest für mich als Laie Kann es sein, dass das Pferd von der Menschenmenge verschreckt ist oder warum genau verhält sich das Pferd so? Hier ist der Link zum Video Vielen Dank im Voraus
An die Leute, die kiffen oder mal gekifft haben.
Hey Leute, Am Samstag nehme ich bei einem Tölt Wettbewerb teil. Dafür brauche ich ein Lied für meine Runde, das gut zum Tölt passt (eine Runde langsamer Tölt, eine Runde schnell). Auf Spotify habe ich mir ein paar Tölt Playlisten angehört aber noch kein überzeugendes Lied gehört. Habt ihr gute Ideen? Danke im Voraus!! P.S:…
Heyyy 🙂 Ich will nach der Schule mal gesünder essen,jedoch kann ich nicht sooo gut kochen 😅! Hat jmd filleicht einfach,schnelle,leckere und gesunde koch rezepte mit dingen die man zuhause hat? ZB irgendeine bowl oder was mit Hünchen Dankööö schonmal <3
Hey, mittlerweile war ich bei sehr vielen verschieden Ärzten. Aber immer keine Diagnose wegen meinem Benommenheitsschwindel.. Das einzige was ich nicht untersuchen lassen haben sind meine Zähne. Aber viele Arzte sagen schwindel kommt NICHT von den zähnen. Ich hab so angst das dass nie wieder weggeht. was soll ich noch tun?
Mir ist beim Fußball jemand mit Stollenschuhen auf den Fuß getreten. Direkt danach tat es ultra weh beim Auftreten, aber es ging nach einer Zeit. Nun tut der Fuß nur beim Bewegen weh und wenn man dort raufdrückt und wenn man enge Schuhe an hat. Es ist mittlerweile 2 Tage her Sollte ich zum Arzt…
I find the question ned so doof because many animals often eat Kot from other animals. And if the animals lived healthy and biologically ok, the Kot is also good as food. Man is also just a kind of animal. People are told everything unnatural is good and everything natural is bad. This is Igit and not. Some also don’t like cauliflowers or broccoli. If one does not think that biological things such as sweat, urine, cot, blood, sperm, etc igit is not that one would feel. It’s only the Mensh as the only animal that has this false worldly treasure! If it does good to my health, I don’t see any reason to eat horse apples! I also eat other plants where I like ned so much! When people have massive permanent indigestion is often the cure of eating a healthy living being of a mental nature. Without the small bacteria, half nix goes! Eating horse apples is probably the opposite of Sakrotan children. Lastly, there are many health problems. Children from the farm not! Furthermore, all the animal products eat whom they know what they would eat there many would leave it. And sick people are massacred by unnatural things. In my eyes, the sick in the head of poisonous things like Kosmetic Chemistry is everywhere and cleansed. Not who does what all animals have been doing for thousands of years! Here organic horse apples are 100% healthier than Kellogs Topas with sugar!
I think when you eat it, there’s nothing happening except that you catch worms and maybe get belly pain. However, I would not recommend that. No one will die of this, but the worms will make problems.
What can happen if you make this lasting?
Turned into vegetables, horse apples are very healthy.
I wouldn’t eat them directly. Bandwurmeier could ruin your day.
in what most horses get to eat, I guess.
if the horse is only hee, hee, and was eaten, they are harmless, but should be consumed only in small quantities because of the still very high proportion of cellulose, since large amounts of cellulose lead to digestion problems in humans.
Where can I get those horse apples? ?
I’m not an expert, but my tip: once there’s no one, but if you were to do that, you could change your own microbiome for damage.
But who could eat it without eating?
It was about a single one, but a large amount. I saw something disturbing and the person was forced to put the crap in. I was wondering if he was still alive
It’s just a headache. Animals keep eating things where people say Igit and it doesn’t hurt them. On the contrary! If I have to eat boiled rose cabbage, my head says I’m going to bite and not my body.
No, if the horses are healthy and didn’t get problematic drugs for humans.
Horse apples come over the strawberries. I’ve never eaten them solo.
I’d tell you about it.
Of course.
Interesting answer.
Question: how dangerous it is. Answer: of course
the vitamins are in the shell
It took me to understand it xD
Once there is no time
The set does not apply to glass. Eat glass once and that’s it. So useless answer
That’s not true, the glass.
No, all vegan…
Are you talking about horse apples? Because then the question would ask me why exactly one person should come up with the idea of eating something like that.
I just had to see it by video. It was more compulsive. And I wondered if he’s still alive.
Was this a bet or a kind of XXX film?
I think he’s still alive, but whether that’s so healthy is another question.
If the horse apples are ripe, you can eat them unthinkable. But before.
Shawls? Unpacking