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12/weiblich Schülerin 6000 Schritte täglich. 158cm groß, 43kg schwer. Gewicht halten.
Ist diese Ernährung gesund?
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Gute Lokale in Wien?
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Habt ihr schonmal ein richtig teures Lebensmittel gegessen?
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Noodles do not offer much nutritional value – because processed and refined carbohydrates…
You will soon feel hungry again – except, you like full grain noodles, which keep a little longer…
When on the day you eat noodles, it is actually sausage – but the basis of your food should consist of fruit, vegetables, raw food, legumes, whole grain cereals and pseudo cereals, nuts, seeds, seeds and seeds…
Mushrooms, herbs (also wild herbs) and sprouts complement the menu.
Inconvenient but why not.
But watch that there are also enough fat and protein, otherwise after a few hours there are cravings.
Good appetite
Noodles go to any day and night time.
Noodle salad – maybe.
A really warm noodle dish would be too much for me.
Yeah, delicious. If you like it, of course…
Noodles are glucose bombs. Unfortunately loved by the Veggie scene hot.
They can be recommended at most underweight.
Ah, are you ready noodles veggie-specific?
Was not aware of me yet.
Well, there’s the ” views ” going at least apart …. Diseases/diabetes-type-2/ernaehrung-mit-diabetes/nudeln-gut-kohlenhydrate.html
Nothing speaks about it ^
only if you join the Tour de France
But you can eat
Law of the Kingdom of Spain …
But if you like it…
I am a laugh, many calorie do not hurt me 😂